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Hiding online price

Printed From: ProductCart E-Commerce Solutions
Category: ProductCart
Forum Name: Customizing ProductCart
Forum Description: Exchange messages with other users that are customizing ProductCart.
Printed Date: 11-March-2025 at 9:36pm
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Topic: Hiding online price
Posted By: paulyork
Subject: Hiding online price
Date Posted: 23-August-2007 at 12:57pm
I'm using Ver 3.x. I'm trying hide all pricing on the site until a customer logs in. Does anyone have a solution? Any help would be welcome.

Posted By: netprofits
Date Posted: 23-August-2007 at 1:20pm
You would need to either use Customer Pricing Categories or wholesale customers and have your online prices be blank. In either case, you would need to modify each customer after they intially register and switch them to a specific customer pricing category or to a wholesale customer. Then the next time they login, they would see prices based on their pricing category. See the user's guide section on Manage Pricing Categories for details.

NetProfits Internet Consulting

Certified ProductCart Developer" rel="nofollow - Our Site

Posted By: paulyork
Date Posted: 23-August-2007 at 1:34pm
I understand how to set pricing categories based on how a customer logs ins and display only to that group. The problem I'm having is my customer does not want to show ANY pricing unless a customer is logged in. I other words, hide the "online price" field / display on the site.

Posted By: netprofits
Date Posted: 23-August-2007 at 1:41pm
You would need to leave the Online Price for your products blank.

NetProfits Internet Consulting

Certified ProductCart Developer" rel="nofollow - Our Site

Posted By: cbadchris1
Date Posted: 13-September-2007 at 10:04am
Go into the viewprd.asp and viewcategories and comment out the code for list and online price.


Posted By: Greg Dinger
Date Posted: 19-September-2007 at 11:49pm

Originally posted by cbadchris1 cbadchris1 wrote:

Go into the viewprd.asp and viewcategories and comment out the code for list and online price.

No - the OP wants the "logged in" status to dictate the appearance of price.  They don't want to ALWAYS hide the price - just when a visitor has not logged in.

You have to use the session variable that tracks that status and wrap the call to the function that displays the price and only execute the code if the customer has logged in.

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