Buy Safe
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Topic: Buy Safe
Posted By: macleather
Subject: Buy Safe
Date Posted: 10-July-2008 at 3:19pm
Hi All,
I want to use BuySafe in my store. It's a bonding service for buyers (a hold over from my ebay store) which will bond their purchase up to $25,000. I find that this helps sales, particularly higher priced items as it comforts the Buyer. Since they do not integrate with PC at this time, I need to add their widget to the receipt page (orderComplete.asp). All of that I've done.
Here's the problem. I have to provide 5 variables to their code for this to work. I need to add the Order Number, Item Title, Item Quantity purchased, Item Price and the total number of items. -- I have no idea what strings to use to get this information. I'm sure they are all on that page already but I don't know which is which. If anyone knows the strings I would love to get that information.
Please forgive me if this is beyond the scope of this forum. I would be happy to pay someone for this mod because I know it helps sales.
Thanks for any info.
Posted By: bearlygrins
Date Posted: 27-August-2008 at 8:59pm
I'm trying to integrate this service too. I have their logo in my footer showing up just fine, and they keep calling me to ask when the final order page will be showing their service.
Have you had any success with this at all? Just 5 variable names and we can add a small script to the bottom of the ordercomplete.asp page... sigh...
I haven't found information on variables anywhere on the Early Impact site. Wouldn't Build-to-Order developers need this info?!
Posted By: Matt
Date Posted: 27-August-2008 at 9:11pm
We are adding a new file in v3.5 that will allow you to easily insert scripts such as this to your order confirmation page. It will contain a list of commonly used variables for your convenience. If you send me your documentation I will see what I can do to assist you at the same time we are testing this new feature.
Posted By: macleather
Date Posted: 28-August-2008 at 12:31pm
Hi Bearlygrins,
I got this to work (at least in my test) by adding to the pc/orderCcomplete.asp the code below:
At about line 1463 it shows:
<% ' End Continue shopping button %> </table>
I changed it to show:
<% ' End Continue shopping button %> <br /> <tr> <td align="right"> <!-- BEGIN: buySAFE Other Platform widget --> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- // Instructions: Replace any items in <brackets> with JavaScript variables or literal values from your cart.
// Basic order information var buySAFE_Merchant = 'this should be part of the code BuySafe provides to you'; var buySAFE_OrderNum = '<%=pIdOrder%>';
// Then, for EACH ITEM in the cart, call the function buySAFE_addCartItem: buySAFE_addCartItem( "<%=pDescription%>", "<%=pQuantity%>", "<%=punitPrice%>", "<%=pSku%>" )
// Sample of a cart with 2 items in it // var buySAFE_Merchant = 'abcabcabcabcabcabcabc...abcabcabcabcabcabcabc%3D%3D'; // var buySAFE_OrderNum = 'order_2007-05-11_00123'; // buySAFE_addCartItem( "iPod 30GB", 1, 199.99, "AIP1234" ) // buySAFE_addCartItem( "iPod Carrying Case", 2, 15.99, "AIP-CASE-100" )
//--> </script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <!-- END: buySAFE Other Platform widget -->
</td> </tr> </table>
By taking the code BuySafe provides and changing the item I've noted in red, everything seems to work.
Hope this helps,
Posted By: macleather
Date Posted: 28-August-2008 at 12:34pm
Ooops, I forgot to put '<%=pIdOrder%>' in red. That's the 5th variable.
Posted By: bearlygrins
Date Posted: 28-August-2008 at 5:29pm
Thank you so much for sharing this information! If you're using it in your store, you should know that it does not pick up multiple items. I tried the code in my store and tested it by selecting more than one product, and the widget only picks up details for the last product. That makes it look like the first product is not bondable! so sorry to have to tell you...
Guess we'll have to wait for a solution from EI, unless someone else out there knows how to handle it!
Thanks again!
Posted By: macleather
Date Posted: 28-August-2008 at 5:37pm
Thanks for the tip. With my store being live, I'm always hesitant to do too much testing. but I didn't even think about multiple items. I think I'll send ask BuySafe about that one.
Posted By: bearlygrins
Date Posted: 28-August-2008 at 5:59pm
I just sent BuySafe an email and will keep you posted. I explained the problem and gave them all the variables you identified, and attached a copy of the ordercomplete.asp page (minus the widget code).
I also asked them if there ought not to be a loop of some kind to add the details for each product, one at a time, for this line of widget code:
Then, for EACH ITEM in the cart, call the function buySAFE_addCartItem
If they don't have any answers, I guess we'll have to wait for EI to give us the tool they mentioned for writing small scripts.
Posted By: bearlygrins
Date Posted: 28-August-2008 at 6:00pm
Oh, for future reference, here are the variables I emailed to BuySafe:
the unique order number: %=pIdOrder%
item_title: %=pDescription%
item_quantity_purchased: %=pQuantity%
item_price: %=punitPrice%
item_item_number: %=pSku%
Posted By: macleather
Date Posted: 28-August-2008 at 6:54pm
Thank You
That's great. The good news is that 3.5 is due out soon.
Posted By: ProductCart
Date Posted: 29-August-2008 at 2:22am
Please do not assume that ProductCart version 3.5 will include code that prepares the exact sort of information required by BuySafe. As mentioned above, we will include common order variables. However, if you need to loop through the items that were purchased and provide details at the item level, you will need to perform additional programming.
You can use the file we created as part of the - Google Analytics integration with our ecommerce software for that purpose (inc-GoogleAnalytics.asp). Order information at the item level is indeed sent to Google Analytics. So there are likely portions of that source code that you can reuse for BuySafe.
------------- The ProductCart Team
Home of ProductCart" rel="nofollow - shopping cart software
Posted By: bearlygrins
Date Posted: 31-August-2008 at 12:22am
I received this response from BuySafe, which has not helped me at all, but maybe someone else can benefit from it and share with the rest of us:
"Yes, a loop needs to be added in order to handle orders with more than one item. I’m not familiar with Product cart so I don’t know the syntax you’ll need to add the loop but here are a couple of examples of how some merchants have added loops to the widget code for their carts
{section name=num loop=$orders[oi].products}
buySAFE_addCartItem( "{$orders[oi].products[num].product}", {$orders[oi].products[num].amount}, {$orders[oi].products[num].price}, "{$orders[oi].products[num].productcode}" )
<ss:foreach item="detail" within="$invoice.storeDetails">
buySAFE_addCartItem( "<ss:value source="$string.stripNonAlphaNumerics($"/>", <ss:value source="$detail.quantity"/>, "<ss:value source="$detail.price"/>", "<ss:value source="$string.stripNonAlphaNumerics($detail.sku)"/>" );
Posted By: ProductCart
Date Posted: 31-August-2008 at 1:44am
Hi everyone, we can't take this on directly right now because we are all 100% focused on finishing up the upcoming version 3.5 of ProductCart.
As I mentioned above, this is a project that can definitely be tackled by a competent developer by using as a reference the code that we have already created for Google Analytics. The syntax required by buySAFE is certainly different, but the logic is the same and the information that needs to be extracted from ProductCart is likely very similar.
bearlygrins: you might want to proactively contact - Certified ProductCart Developers about this potential project.
------------- The ProductCart Team
Home of ProductCart" rel="nofollow - shopping cart software
Posted By: macleather
Date Posted: 31-August-2008 at 5:06pm
Bearlygrins, Thanks for the BuySafe answer. Not quite what I was hoping for as my programming skills are non-existent. If you are going to try to contact a PC Developer to work out the code, I would be willing to share the cost with you (if it's not too outrageous) in order to get this to work properly. I still believe that it is an important feature to close the sale. If you do, you can send me a private message.
Earlyimp, thank you for your responses to our "outside the box" questions.
Posted By: bearlygrins
Date Posted: 01-September-2008 at 1:01pm
For now, I'm going to pressure BuySafe to provide the code, since they have done so for many other shopping cart programs. They have much to gain financially by getting a little more involved. Other than that, I don't have much time to devote to the issue since the Christmas season is right around the corner and I'm adding a lot of new products. I'll probably look into Google Analytics as PC suggested first.
Posted By: bearlygrins
Date Posted: 01-September-2008 at 3:41pm
Here is the documentation from BuySafe, which is instructions included within the widget code to be added to ordercomplete.asp. Basically, all items in brackets (highlighted in red) need to be replaced with PC variables for each item ordered:
<!-- BEGIN: buySAFE Other Platform widget --> <script type="text/javascript" src=" - '>"></script > <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- // Instructions: Replace any items in <brackets> with JavaScript variables or literal values from your cart.
// Basic order information var buySAFE_Merchant = 'unique code given to each merchant'; var buySAFE_OrderNum = '<the unique order number>';
// Then, for EACH ITEM in the cart, call the function buySAFE_addCartItem: buySAFE_addCartItem( "<item_title>", <item_quantity_purchased>, <item_price>, "<item_item_number>" )
// Sample of a cart with 2 items in it // var buySAFE_Merchant = 'abcabcabcabcabcabcabc...abcabcabcabcabcabcabc%3D%3D'; // var buySAFE_OrderNum = 'order_2007-05-11_00123'; // buySAFE_addCartItem( "iPod 30GB", 1, 199.99, "AIP1234" ) // buySAFE_addCartItem( "iPod Carrying Case", 2, 15.99, "AIP-CASE-100" )
//--> </script> <script type="text/javascript" src=" - '>"></script > <!-- END: buySAFE Other Platform widget -->
Posted By: Hamish
Date Posted: 01-September-2008 at 6:08pm
Hi folks, One thought occurs to me - do the figures you send to BuySafe need to take into account discounts etc? The total a customer pays is not always and in some stores hardly ever, the sum of all the individual product prices + postage as discounts of various sorts may need taking into account.
------------- Editing ProductCart Code?
See" rel="nofollow - WIKI Guidelines for Editing ProductCart's ASP Source Code
Posted By: bearlygrins
Date Posted: 01-September-2008 at 8:29pm
I had thought of the same thing, but it doesn't really matter. The BuySafe interface provides a list of the products the customer has just purchased and calculates a very small amount per item to charge the customer if they opt to bond the item. It's like an insurance policy for the buyer, to make sure they get what they're paying for. Shipping and handling fees are not included.
So for instance, for a $25 item, BuySafe would ask for $1.50 fee to bond the item; other items would each have assigned fees as well. The BuySafe widget then adds the fees for the items the buyer has selected and takes them to their site to buy the insurance. Proceeds are then split with the seller.
The service helps to convert potential customers into sales by providing peace of mind. It's a great tool to have in an online store.
Posted By: macleather
Date Posted: 01-September-2008 at 8:41pm
Bearlygrins, I understand. If you have a contact name you are emailing with at Buysafe and want to provide that to me, I'll send them my request as well. You're right, there is a financial gain for them to provide us with the code.
Thanks Again
Posted By: katharina
Date Posted: 01-September-2008 at 8:49pm
The question is how many customer have heard about buy safe. I certainly have not, so I did check out their site. Quite honest it does not give me peace of mind, since I don't know this company. It gives me the feeling of a gimmick trying to get more money out of me as a customer or seller. I do not think that it will boost sales as they state. Where are their numbers are coming from anyway? I may see a point in this if it is something really expensive, like a car, expensive jewelery, or some antiques. Is it just me or are there more and more companies like that popping up. I guess they all want a piece of the retail pie. Sorry for being to blunt. I get tons of those kind of business offers, and they start to make me sick. What else to we need to sell? Secure site with certificate should be enough. But no there is the Better Business Bureau with their high rates, the child safe rating, and, and, and, and.... Man we will be cluttering up our sites, spreading our revenues to everyone in no time. Katharina
Posted By: macleather
Date Posted: 01-September-2008 at 8:56pm
Hi Katharina,
This is set up on my site as an optional purchase bond. In my instance, we sell some expensive saddles and for a small cost, a buyer can insure that they will get what they are paying for. Does it really help? I don't know but since we sell some high ticket items my feeling was it couldn't hurt. If not for the saddles, I wouldn't offer it. You're correct, there is much to much out there now to clutter up our sites.
Posted By: katharina
Date Posted: 01-September-2008 at 9:13pm
I should get you in touch with my sister in law. She is a horse trainer in Texas. Her name is Holly Croft - I think it is a good idea to offer some kind of insurance for high prices items. I hope buysafe works for you. I think the best is a good reputation, which brings new customers from existing customers. Katharina
Posted By: macleather
Date Posted: 02-September-2008 at 4:18pm
Katharina, Boy, I wish my horses were in Texas. That facility is beautiful and offer a lot service and care. Alas, I'm stuck here in So. Cal. Thanks for offering to get me in touch with your sister in law however, we are 95% Western and it appears they are English so we probably wouldn't have anything they need or use.