Ok, well I have worked on this for 2 days and I finally got is working, so I thought since the Wiki leaves out some important details, that I would leave an update in the hopes that if others find this thread, it will help them get it working.
1. First, you must make sure your account is set up for the Global Gateway API. If you call Linkpoint, ask this explicitly. Unless you ask, they may or may not volunteer this information. I suggest asking a second time just to be sure.
2. Once you are setup with Linkpoint for Global Gateway API, You must download your pem file. This a security keys file that is specific to your linkpoint account. So in order to download it, you must login to LinkPoint, go the support tab and then select the Download Center. You will then see a link to download your pem file. It will ask for either your store number, the name on your account, the contact name on the account or your SS#/Tax I.D. number. If you get any kind of error or just get automatically logged out, you have entered wrong information.
3. the pem file you download should be copied via ftp into your Productcart "pcadmin" folder or whatever the name is of your admin folder if you renamed it.
4. You host must have port 1129 open bi-directionally, meaning this port must allow outgoing in incoming communication.
5. You host must have the LpiCOM 6.0 dll object installed on the server your site is on. This comes in a packet file named 30015_Windows_APICOM.
6. There is also and include file that get installed when register the LpiCOM dll on a windows server. This include file allows you host to add some configuration information to it so the LpiCOM is aware of what you pem files name is and the path to where it is located.
When you go to product and enable Linkpoint as a payment option, you will need to supply some information and check some boxes.
1. Check the appropriate box for Linkpoint payment module you are using. Global Gateway API is the one that says "Linkpoint with batch post authorization"
2. Store name is whatever the file name of your pem file is WITHOUT the .pem
3. Enable Test Mode, you can only check this option if you have setup a test account with Linkpoint. If you have not setup a test account, you will have to test using the Linkpoint test credit card numbers. Visa 4111-1111-1111-1111 with any future expiration date is one of the test credit card numbers.
You can now go and try testing to see if everything works. here are a few things that might happen.
1. If you get a error message that just says ERROR, then you are not communicating with Linkpoint. The problem most likely is that either, 1. the host does not have the DLL properly installed. 2. the include file does not have you properly enter into it (This was the problem I had) 3. Port 1129 is not open on the server your on.
2. If you don't get anything but a 404 error page after you submit the test transaction, most likely your not setup with Linkpoint.
3. If you get "SGS-020005: ERROR (Merchant config file missing, empty or cannot be read) then you are either trying to run in Productcart test mode without a Linkpoint test account or you don't have you pem file in the pcadmin (our whatever you remnamed it folder) or you have entered the wrong store name in Productcart under the Linkpoint payment method (remember it should be the same as your pem file name) or your host has typo'd that file name or configured the include file with the wrong path.
4. If you get Error: DECLINED: SGS-000001: D:Declined:XXUX: You are good to go, when using a test credit card number, you will get a declined message because the card number doesn't really exist, but Linkpoint knows that and has communicated the information back to.
Hopefully I've provide an exhausting amount of info and you will be able to work though getting yourself setup for Linkpoint If anyone has anything to add, please feel free. If you have questions, you can PM me and I will try to help you out.