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Link Point API Payment/Authorization

Printed From: ProductCart E-Commerce Solutions
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Topic: Link Point API Payment/Authorization
Posted By: hollehock
Subject: Link Point API Payment/Authorization
Date Posted: 09-February-2009 at 4:03pm

Hi I have a client who is ready to go with his site and he has a Link Point Basic gateway pament set up.   Right now it's in "enabled test mode".  But we are getting ERRORS...we are testing it as a end user and we see the page (GwLPApi.asp) and then as we enter in a CC number and it "place order" there is an "error"...and the only error message says "error"...nothing more specific than that.

Posted By: dag
Date Posted: 05-March-2009 at 8:05pm
An error occured during processing. Please try again later.  I'm getting this message when I try to process CC's.  Any ideas?  The  troubleshooting utility shows that everything is working, but customers cannot process credit card orders.


T Dagdag

Posted By: dag
Date Posted: 05-March-2009 at 8:07pm
One more thing.  I get this error on the gwAuthorizeAIM.asp & I'm using Authorize.Net payment gateway.

T Dagdag

Posted By: ledfish
Date Posted: 16-March-2009 at 5:34pm
I'm getting the same problem

Posted By: dag
Date Posted: 16-March-2009 at 7:18pm
I figured out what was wrong - meant to update the post & forgot - so thanks for adding your comments.  I ran the update on the XML parser to 5.0, as recommended when you run the troubleshooting utility.  Let us know if this works for you.

T Dagdag

Posted By: ledfish
Date Posted: 16-March-2009 at 9:45pm
Tried the above and it didn't work for me.

Posted By: ledfish
Date Posted: 17-March-2009 at 1:50pm
So here is what I have done:
1. pem file is in my renamed pcadmin folder
2. I have checked with the host to make sure the Link Point DLL is installed(registered) on the server. They state that it is.
3. To download the pem file, I had to supply the "contact name" and the file it gave me used my store number as the file name.
4. I have enabled the linkppoint gateway in productcart. I selected "I am using linkpoint API with batch post authorization, entered store name (as on file with linkpoint), enabled test mode, etc.
5. ran troubleshoot utility and made sure xml parser 5 was selected.
I'm not sure what else to try. No matter what, I get the dreaded "Error" message. Curiously though, when I'm running throgh a test order, I don't get a message that says" In Test Mode" unless I select "I am using yourpay" which I'm not because I am using Linkpoint Global Connect.

Posted By: dag
Date Posted: 17-March-2009 at 6:41pm[]=linkpoint

Have you checked this site?

T Dagdag

Posted By: ledfish
Date Posted: 18-March-2009 at 1:30pm

If I go to troubleshooting utilities under the help tab

Thereis a section in the trouble shooting page called Payment Gateway Components. Under that is a link that says "Payment Gateway Componenets Check"
Does anybody know, is that a list of the payment componenets that the HOST has installed ?

Posted By: dag
Date Posted: 18-March-2009 at 6:55pm
Yes, it appears that is what it checks when I run it against my server

Posted By: ledfish
Date Posted: 18-March-2009 at 11:31pm
Ok, well I have worked on this for 2 days and I finally got is working, so I thought since the Wiki leaves out some important details, that I would leave an update in the hopes that if others find this thread, it will help them get it working.
1. First, you must make sure your account is set up for the Global Gateway API. If you call Linkpoint, ask this explicitly. Unless you ask, they may or may not volunteer this information. I suggest asking a second time just to be sure.
2. Once you are setup with Linkpoint for Global Gateway API, You must download your pem file. This a security keys file that is specific to your linkpoint account. So in order to download it, you must login to LinkPoint, go the support tab and then select the Download Center. You will then see a link to download your pem file. It will ask for either your store number, the name on your account, the contact name on the account or your SS#/Tax I.D. number. If you get any kind of error or just get automatically logged out, you have entered wrong information.
3. the pem file you download should be copied via ftp into your Productcart "pcadmin" folder or whatever the name is of your admin folder if you renamed it.
4. You host must have port 1129 open bi-directionally, meaning this port must allow outgoing in incoming communication.
5. You host must have the LpiCOM 6.0 dll object installed on the server your site is on. This comes in a packet file named 30015_Windows_APICOM.
6. There is also and include file that get installed when register the LpiCOM dll on a windows server. This include file allows you host to add some configuration information to it so the LpiCOM is aware of what you pem files name is and the path to where it is located.
When  you go to product and enable Linkpoint as a payment option, you will need to supply some information and check some boxes.
1. Check the appropriate box for Linkpoint payment module you are using. Global Gateway API is the one that says "Linkpoint with batch post authorization"
2. Store name is whatever the file name of your pem file is WITHOUT the .pem
3. Enable Test Mode, you can only check this option if you have setup a test account with Linkpoint. If you have not setup a test account, you will have to test using the Linkpoint test credit card numbers. Visa 4111-1111-1111-1111 with any future expiration date is one of the test credit card numbers.
You can now go and try testing to see if everything works. here are a few things that might happen.
1. If you get a error message that just says ERROR, then you are not communicating with Linkpoint. The problem most likely is that either, 1. the host does not have the DLL properly installed. 2. the include file does not have you properly enter into it (This was the problem I had) 3. Port 1129 is not open on the server your on. 
2. If you don't get anything but a 404 error page after you submit the test transaction, most likely your not setup with Linkpoint.
3. If you get  "SGS-020005: ERROR (Merchant config file missing, empty or cannot be read) then you are either trying to run in Productcart test mode without a Linkpoint test account or you don't have you pem file in the pcadmin (our whatever you remnamed it folder) or you have entered the wrong store name in Productcart under the Linkpoint payment method (remember it should be the same as your pem file name) or your host has typo'd that file name or configured the include file with the wrong path.
4. If you get Error: DECLINED: SGS-000001: D:Declined:XXUX:  You are good to go, when using a test credit card number, you will get a declined message because the card number doesn't really exist, but Linkpoint knows that and has communicated the information back to.
Hopefully I've provide an exhausting amount of info and you will be able to work though getting yourself setup for Linkpoint If anyone has anything to add, please feel free. If you have questions, you can PM me and I will try to help you out.


Posted By: ProductCart
Date Posted: 26-March-2009 at 6:41am
Thank you very much for the detailed feedback. We have updated the WIKI. We will be running additional tests and review the settings to confirm that the information provided in the WIKI is now accurate. If you see any issues, please feel free to edit the WIKI article directly. -

The ProductCart Team

Home of ProductCart" rel="nofollow - shopping cart software

Posted By: PGL
Date Posted: 30-March-2009 at 8:14pm
I'm having a heck of a time with Linkpoint API in PC. After I enter the cc info and hit submit in the order form the server just hangs (iisreset is only way to fix it.) I think I have everything setup (per the instructions from ledfish & the wiki) "correctly." We use a dedicated goDaddy server by the way. I've tested the port 1129 and was able to connect to and from the server with another appl. I verified that the DLL is registered (just registered it again, just for sanity sake.) Now the one thing I haven't looked at is this "include file" that ledfish is talking about in step 6. If anyone has any ideas please let me know!


Posted By: ProductCart
Date Posted: 31-March-2009 at 7:46am
We have other customers having issues with LinkPoint. The issues that have been reported persist even when using the test files provided by LinkPoint, indicating that the problems have nothing to do with the ProductCart integration with this payment gateway.

We are investigating the matter and will update both this forum and the WIKI once we have a better picture of what might be causing the various problems that customers are having.

The ProductCart Team

Home of ProductCart" rel="nofollow - shopping cart software

Posted By: ledfish
Date Posted: 03-April-2009 at 10:36am
Originally posted by earlyimp earlyimp wrote:

We have other customers having issues with LinkPoint. The issues that have been reported persist even when using the test files provided by LinkPoint, indicating that the problems have nothing to do with the ProductCart integration with this payment gateway.

We are investigating the matter and will update both this forum and the WIKI once we have a better picture of what might be causing the various problems that customers are having.
Yep, in my case it did turnout to be a host/server set up issue which can only add to the frustration because some host people do not completely understand the process. If they did, you'd have it working in a matter of minutes.
But this means that the Linkpoint section of the Wiki needs to be very detailed so that the PC user can tell the host's people, do this, do that with an great deal of confidence.

Posted By: scottemiller
Date Posted: 19-November-2010 at 10:05am


Can you explain more about the 'include file'. 

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