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Contact Page, add user fields

Printed From: ProductCart E-Commerce Solutions
Category: ProductCart
Forum Name: Customizing ProductCart
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Topic: Contact Page, add user fields
Posted By: mthierfelder
Subject: Contact Page, add user fields
Date Posted: 15-April-2009 at 12:11am
I am trying to add "Company" and "Phone Number" as user filled in forms to the contact page.  I had it working, then we switched servers and its not working in that no email ever gets sent. 

I'm not an ASP whiz by any means, I just copied some of the logic for other fields. 

I did add eng_Contact_11 and eng_Contact_12 to languages.asp as "Your Company" and "Your Phone".  Then of course added the two fields to the contact.asp page like so:

                        <%response.write dictLanguage.Item(Session("language")&"_Contact_11")%>
                        <input type="text" name="FromPhone" size="35" maxlength="70"
                            value="<%=pcf_FillFormField ("FromPhone", pcv_isPhoneRequired) %>">
                        <% pcs_RequiredImageTag "FromPhone", pcv_isPhoneRequired %>
                        <%response.write dictLanguage.Item(Session("language")&"_Contact_12")%>
                        <input type="text" name="FromCompany" size="35" maxlength="70"
                            value="<%=pcf_FillFormField ("FromCompany", pcv_isCompanyRequired) %>">
                        <% pcs_RequiredImageTag "FromCompany", pcv_isCompanyRequired %>

Please offer pointers if you can, here is the code snippet I'm using (the red code is what I modified/added) on the contact.asp page:

    '// Check for Validation Errors
    If pcv_intErr>0 Then
        response.redirect pcStrPageName&"?msg="&pcv_strGenericPageError

        MsgTitle=dictLanguage.Item(Session("language")&"_Contact_9") & Session("pcSFMsgTitle")
        '// Add variables to body
        MsgBody=MsgBody & dictLanguage.Item(Session("language")&"_Contact_6") & CustName & vbcrlf
        MsgBody=MsgBody & dictLanguage.Item(Session("language")&"_Contact_7") & CustEmail & vbcrlf

        '//Added fields to the contact page
        MsgBody=MsgBody & dictLanguage.Item(Session("language")&"_Contact_11") & CustPhone & vbcrlf
        MsgBody=MsgBody & dictLanguage.Item(Session("language")&"_Contact_12") & CustCompany & vbcrlf

            '// IF customer is logged in, add more information
            if pIdCustomer>0 then
                '//    Generate link to customer edit page
                do while mycount1<2
                    if mid(SPath1,len(SPath1),1)="/" then
                    end if
                    if mycount1<2 then
                    end if
                SPathInfo="http://" & Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_HOST") & SPath1
                if Right(SPathInfo,1)="/" then
                    SPathInfo=SPathInfo & "/"
                end if
                dURL=SPathInfo & scAdminFolderName & "/login_1.asp?redirectUrl=" & Server.URLEnCode(SPathInfo & scAdminFolderName &  "/modcusta.asp?idcustomer=" & pIdCustomer)
                MsgBody=MsgBody & dictLanguage.Item(Session("language")&"_Contact_8") & dURL & vbcrlf & vbcrlf
            end if
            '// END IF customer is logged in
        MsgBody=MsgBody & dictLanguage.Item(Session("language")&"_Contact_5") & vbcrlf & vbcrlf
        MsgBody=MsgBody & Session("pcSFMsgBody")
        call sendmail (CustName,CustEmail,scFrmEmail,CustPhone,CustCompany,MsgTitle,MsgBody)
    End If

End If

if pIdCustomer>0 AND msg="" then
    call openDb()
    query="SELECT name,lastName,email FROM customers WHERE idCustomer=" &pIdCustomer
    set rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    set rs=conntemp.execute(query)
    if err.number <> 0 then
        set rs=nothing
        call closeDb()
        response.redirect "techErr.asp?error="& Server.Urlencode("Error on contact.asp: "&Err.Description)
    end if
    Session("pcSFFromName")=rs("name") & " " & rs("lastName")
    set rs=nothing
    call closeDB()
end if

Posted By: Hamish
Date Posted: 15-April-2009 at 4:38am
   Unless you have also changed includes/sendmail.asp you will need to revert that line to it's original text as it only takes 5 parameters.

call sendmail (CustName,CustEmail,scFrmEmail,MsgTitle,MsgBody)

The phone and company name have already been incorporated into the message body.

Editing ProductCart Code?

See" rel="nofollow - WIKI Guidelines for Editing ProductCart's ASP Source Code

Posted By: Hamish
Date Posted: 15-April-2009 at 4:44am
If you had modified sendmail as well and that's not the problem, check that ANY emails are being sent.  You can do this from the control panel "settings > Email Settings : Test your settings".  I would also advise checking "Help > Troubleshooting utility" whenever a major change such as switching servers has occurred (along with other testing).

Editing ProductCart Code?

See" rel="nofollow - WIKI Guidelines for Editing ProductCart's ASP Source Code

Posted By: mthierfelder
Date Posted: 15-April-2009 at 11:08am
I had not modified sendmail.  I took a look at it and am not seeing the variables that are present in contact.asp.  For instance contact.asp calls the message MsgText, but sendmail calls it BodyText.  Also, I don't see any reference in sendmail.asp to CustName, or CustEmail.  Could you be more specific as to how I add in the two new fields to sendmail? We are using CDOSYS for our mailer...this is the block:

Function sendMail(fromName, from, rcpt, subject, body)

if scEmailComObj="CDOSYS" then
    Dim mail
    Dim iConf
    Dim Flds
    'on error resume next
    Set mail = CreateObject("CDO.Message") 'calls CDO message COM object
    Set iConf = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration") 'calls CDO configuration COM object
    Set Flds = iConf.Fields
    Flds( "") = 1 'tells cdo we're using the local smtp service, use "2" if not local
    Flds("") = 25
    Flds("") = 20
    Flds("") = "c:\inetpub\mailroot\pickup" 'verify that this path is correct
    Flds.Update 'updates CDO's configuration database
    'if smtp authentication is required
    if scSMTPAuthentication="Y" then
        Flds("") = 1 ' cdoBasic
        Flds("") = scSMTPUID
        Flds("") = scSMTPPWD
        Flds.Update 'updates CDO's configuration database
    end if
    Set mail.Configuration = iConf 'sets the configuration for the message
    mail.To = rcpt
    mail.From = from
    mail.Subject = subject
    If session("News_MsgType")="1" Then
            mail.HTMLBody = body
            mail.TextBody = body
    End If
    mail.Send 'commands CDO to send the message
    if err then
        pcv_errMsg = err.Description
    end if
    set mail=nothing
End If

Posted By: Hamish
Date Posted: 15-April-2009 at 11:23am

The parameters passed are positional, so the value of "msgText" is passed to Sendmail into variable "body".

You don't need to, in fact should not, change the sendmail code. The phone number and company name will appear in the text of the message due to the other changes you have done.

Editing ProductCart Code?

See" rel="nofollow - WIKI Guidelines for Editing ProductCart's ASP Source Code

Posted By: mthierfelder
Date Posted: 15-April-2009 at 11:38am
Ok, so if I understand correctly you are saying that messages should be sending given the changes I have made, and the company and phone should be passed in that email? because the messages are not being sent right now.

I have tested the sendmail in the admin and it is working.  The default contact.asp page does work and sends mail but still having trouble getting the two new fields going.

Posted By: Hamish
Date Posted: 15-April-2009 at 11:42am
   Just a thought,  did you add other lines of code, such as setting the pcv_isPhoneRequired  and calling pcs_ValidateTextField for the two new fields?

Editing ProductCart Code?

See" rel="nofollow - WIKI Guidelines for Editing ProductCart's ASP Source Code

Posted By: mthierfelder
Date Posted: 15-April-2009 at 11:50am
Do you mean like this?:

'New fields added to contact form

if request.form("updatemode")="1" then

    '//set error to zero

    pcs_ValidateEmailField    "FromEmail", pcv_isEmailRequired, 0
    pcs_ValidateTextField    "FromName", pcv_isNameRequired, 0
    pcs_ValidateTextField    "MsgTitle", pcv_isTitleRequired, 0
    pcs_ValidateTextField    "MsgBody", pcv_isBodyRequired, 0
    'New fields added to contact form
    pcs_ValidateTextField     "FromPhone", pcv_isPhoneRequired, 0
    pcs_ValidateTextField    "FromCompany", pcv_isCompanyRequired, 0

Posted By: mthierfelder
Date Posted: 15-April-2009 at 12:22pm
I figured it out.  On this line:

call sendmail (CustName,CustEmail,scFrmEmail,MsgTitle,MsgBody)

I had added CustPhone,CustCompany which didn't work, I think because sendmail didn't know what to do with those two things since it only has the original 5 variables.

Anyway thanks for your support.

Posted By: Hamish
Date Posted: 15-April-2009 at 12:24pm
That's just what I said to do in my first post :-) 

Editing ProductCart Code?

See" rel="nofollow - WIKI Guidelines for Editing ProductCart's ASP Source Code

Posted By: RobertZ
Date Posted: 21-April-2009 at 11:54pm
Another handy thing is changing the scFrmEmail  to (eg) scRMAEmail.
Then Adding a line to include/emailsetting.asp
private const scRMAEmail=" - "
(NO NOT CHANGE OR DELETE scFrmEmail in this file)
Then you can get this email to go whereever you want rather than the main PC admin email address.
Which fixes the issue of having everything going to one main PC email (Which is a pain).  We have set up
main PC admin email : sales@
Helpdesk one : helpdesk@
contact form : contact@
RMA form : RMA@

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