I'm wondering about adding existing items as sub-products to an Apparel Product. At the risk of making a double-post, it'd be best if I described exactly what we're trying to do. You'll see a similar post in another category on this forum, but maybe someone more familiar with the Apparel Add-On can assist me.
A site I've been referencing is is http://www.pinstripesandpolkadots.com/ , or http://www.pinstripesandpolkadots.com/products/pc/viewPrd.asp?idproduct=4580&idcategory=4 . I have ProductCart BTO v3.51ba (I recently purchased the Apparel Add-On) but still haven't been able to get the formatting and display of our custom BTO products like I'd like. For example:
We have a Custom BTO ProductABC. ProductABC contains 3 separate parts, TopABC, MiddleABC, and BottomABC. TopABC and MiddleABC are Apparel Products, which you would make your selection based on dropdown boxes. TopABC would have 20 categories to pick from (similar to "DryBees Prints" from the website I listed earlier), and once you select one of those categories, a generic category image would be displayed. Then a second drop-down box (like "Size") would list the available items within the category you previously selected. Once you make your selection in the second dropdown box, the picture would change to the item you selected in the second dropdown box.
I was able to configure MiddleABC to show items, because they are more like an Apparel item; ItemA, ItemB, ItemC, ItemD, ItemE, each being available in 10 colors.
One issue is, the final item you select in the 2nd dropdown box of TopABC is an existing item, which we don't sell individually, only with ProductABC (the custom BTO product) and other similar custom PTO products. I found I could change the SKU and item pictures after generating sub-products for TopABC, but wasn't able to do this by category, or assign existing products as sub-products.
We are okay with BottomABC being radio buttons, because there are only about 5 BottomABC items to choose from. These show a thumbnail which can be expanded to general view, or More Details for a Detailed View.
However, when selecting TopABC and MiddleABC, you can only see a picture of the item by clicking the More Details link, or when you go to make your selection. We would like to have an image of the final selection you made on the same page. So you can see the generic ProductABC image at the top, and as you scroll down the page you can see images of TopABC, MiddleABC, and BottomABC, so you know what your custom ProductABC will look like.
I hope there's someone reading this post that can offer some insight into our current situation. I appreciate any and all help you can give. Thanks.