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Things to watch out for when upgrading to v.4

Printed From: ProductCart E-Commerce Solutions
Category: ProductCart
Forum Name: Using ProductCart
Forum Description: Running your store with ProductCart
Printed Date: 01-March-2025 at 3:11pm
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Topic: Things to watch out for when upgrading to v.4
Posted By: BrianRoden
Subject: Things to watch out for when upgrading to v.4
Date Posted: 11-November-2009 at 11:28am
ProductCart version 4 adds some new fields to the tables that deal with Brands and Content Pages. These new fields need to be set to certain values for "Shop by Brand" (viewbrands.asp) to work correctly, and for your content pages to be displayed. Unfortunately, the database upgrade script does not set the correct default values for your site to keep working like it was before the upgrade (at least this is my experience on the 2 of our 3 sites I've upgraded so far).
--------- Brands -----------
Now, you have to mark brands as Active under Products | Manage Brands | List Brands, or you will get the message

"There are no brands active at this time."

when you try to view the viewbrands.asp page.
If you have a lot of brands and want to activate them all without having to go into each one individually in the control panel, run this query in on your SQL database:

update brands set pcBrands_Active=1

--------- Content Pages -----------
Now, content pages must not only be checked Active to show up in the left column menu, they must also be Published (see -[]=content&s[]=pages ). The database upgrade script for v.4 doesn't mark existing Active pages as Published, which leads to an error message being displayed when a store visitor tries to view a content page: "The page you requested either is no longer available or access to it has been restricted."
Run the following query to set all your Active content pages to Published after you upgrade to version 4:

pcContents set pcCont_Published=1 where pcCont_InActive=0

Posted By: ITistic
Date Posted: 31-March-2010 at 4:51pm
Actually just realized today during an upgrade that the pcCont_CustomerType field was also set to NULL for all records after the upgrade. This caused the pages to not be displayed even after running the query you suggested. Users running into this problem should also run this query:

UPDATE pcContents
SET pcCont_CustomerType = 'ALL'

Posted By: ProductCart
Date Posted: 31-March-2010 at 7:16pm
We are trying to understand what causes this issue. The database update scripts contains code to set all default values. Our research has shown that the problem (default values not being set) occurs in about 3% of all upgrades.

So far we are at a loss as to what circumstances cause this issue.

If you have any additional information that might help identify the cause, please let us know. For example, it would be interesting to know:

- Can you confirm that the store is using MS SQL?
- Which version of SQL?
- Were default values partially set or was the column completely empty (all NULLs)?

Thank again!

The ProductCart Team

Home of ProductCart" rel="nofollow - shopping cart software

Posted By: BrianRoden
Date Posted: 01-April-2010 at 9:38am
SQL 2005 Express here.
Can't remember exactly, as I upgraded as soon as 4 came out, so there's been a lot of water under the bridge since then. But I think the new fields were just empty (NULL).

Posted By: ITistic
Date Posted: 01-April-2010 at 10:37am
Same here,

SQL Express 2005

The pcCont_CustomerType field was NULL for all records. I don't recall what the pcCont_Published field was set to and I've already overwritten all of those values to get the pages back online.

I hope this helps!

Posted By: ProductCart
Date Posted: 01-April-2010 at 11:25am
MS SQL Express should never be used on a production Web site.

SQL Express was created by Microsoft for developers to run SQL-based Web applications in a development environment. That is why MS SQL Express is free.

We do not any testing of our upgrade scripts again MS SQL Express.

The ProductCart Team

Home of ProductCart" rel="nofollow - shopping cart software

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