V4 & Setting Goals in Google Analytics
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Topic: V4 & Setting Goals in Google Analytics
Posted By: whizzinpc
Subject: V4 & Setting Goals in Google Analytics
Date Posted: 23-November-2009 at 3:52pm
I'm wondering... will we need to change the goal path in google analytics for V4? I didnt see any updates on the wiki.
Posted By: ProductCart
Date Posted: 23-November-2009 at 4:10pm
The answer is "yes" and "no":
- The Goal URL (required setting) remains the same (URL ending with "ordercomplete.asp"). So Google Analytics will continue to correctly report how many goals (completed orders) were achieved.
- The Goal Funnel (which is an optional setting) - if used - will need to be updated as some of the checkout pages used in v3 are no longer being used in v4. So, thanks for the reminder on this, we will update the documentation shortly to edit the instructions that pertain to the Goal Funnel.
------------- The ProductCart Team
Home of ProductCart http://www.productcart.com" rel="nofollow - shopping cart software
Posted By: ProductCart
Date Posted: 21-April-2010 at 11:29pm
FYI with regard to Google Analytics: we've updated the integration with Google Analytics (including e-commerce transactions and the ability to post refunds/cancellations) so that it supports the "new" tracking code (ga.js).
It's not that new, actually, but for one reason or another we had not updated our code yet. Now we have
http://wiki.earlyimpact.com/widgets/integrations/googleanalytics/googleanalytics - http://wiki.earlyimpact.com/widgets/integrations/googleanalytics/googleanalytics
------------- The ProductCart Team
Home of ProductCart http://www.productcart.com" rel="nofollow - shopping cart software
Posted By: whizzinpc
Date Posted: 22-April-2010 at 2:21pm
There is a file upd_footer.asp Does this file need to include the tracking code?
Posted By: ProductCart
Date Posted: 22-April-2010 at 2:24pm
If you are using ProductCart v4, the recommended place for the tracking code is pc/inc_footer.asp. Please see the documentation for detailed instructions.
------------- The ProductCart Team
Home of ProductCart http://www.productcart.com" rel="nofollow - shopping cart software
Posted By: whizzinpc
Date Posted: 22-April-2010 at 2:49pm
I was trying out a Goal Funnel for v4 since it wasnt release yet... here is what i had used. Let me know if this would work or if i should just keep it the way it is on the wiki.
/pc/viewcart.asp View Cart
/pc/onepagecheckout.asp#opcLoginAnchor Login/Checkout
/pc/onepagecheckout.asp#opcShippingAnchor Choose Shipping
/pc/onepagecheckout.asp#opcPaymentAnchor Gift Wrap/Coupon Code
/pc/gwAuthorizeAIM.asp Credit Card Payment Page
/pc/ordercomplete.asp Order Placed
Posted By: whizzinpc
Date Posted: 23-April-2010 at 12:58pm
Posted By: benpate
Date Posted: 23-April-2010 at 6:53pm
No, you have to put an onclick event on the continue buttons to get that to work like this.
------------- http://www.web1seo.com - ProductCart SEO - Resellers and Affiliates welcome
Posted By: alexL-icc
Date Posted: 31-May-2011 at 7:26pm
After I implemented the Goal and Funnel as described in the ProductCart wiki page about shopping cart abandonment, Google Analytics is still not tracking those things for me (i.e. I see only zeros under the Goals reports). Any advice?
------------- Alex L.