Just a quick word as I think there may have been some miss understanding on the http vs https thing ....
I noticed in the generic header/footer you posted (and this is just a snippet) you have links rewritten like this:
<a href="https://www.domain.com/store/....
<a href="https://www.domain.com/store/....
<a href="https://www.domain.com/store/....
<a href="https://www.domain.com/store/....
This is un-neccessary. You would not want your customers entire browsing experience to be restricted to an https session as it will definitely slow things down. The point where you want to change over to https would be during the checkout process - and productcart will control that.
Any "href" that links to an internal page in your site can be a relative link. Since your header and footer are already in the /pc directory the links can be the file names themselves:
eg. <a href=viewcategories.asp>
The reason you are getting the message is because something on your header/footer (or possibly a link in a product description ... some people do this) is calling an "image" or an "object" by the fully qualified domain path [http://www.somestore.com/someimage.jpg].
Examples of images or objects are:
Images are self explanatory but objects can be embedded in Flash files, they can be third party js files (e.g: a .js file that resides on another server/site). If you have any kind of click tracking add-ons on your site, I have seen some of these that do not have an HTTPS link even available and that will throw an error.
Whether your product pages, site pages, or menu navigation links have http, https, or just a relative link will have no bearing on the security message you are seeing as they are not considered images or objects.
When I am putting together a site (and this is just a preference), I will always have all of my menu navigation set up as http:// links (the top menu and the left hand menus). The reason I do this is because when the customer goes into checkout mode they will be in https and if for some reason they need to go back into the store, I do not want them to remain in https as that slows things down. If I used relative links for my top main and left menu, and the customer clicked on any of those links from the checkout screen, they would remain in https and depending on what I have on the main store, it could generate the security warning.
I hope that make sense? Best thing to do is to just scrub your header and footer for "External (as in not a part of your website)" images and objects that are being forced to http. If you find one, test it out in a browser to see if it will work with https, if so change it to call using https. If it is an internal image, object, or page, then it is not necessary to ever force https.
------------- Mark Shipp Cognecy Solutions, LLC Hosting/Design/Customization/Database Migration www.cognecy.com www.cognecy.co.uk