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International Shipping

Printed From: ProductCart E-Commerce Solutions
Category: ProductCart
Forum Name: Using ProductCart
Forum Description: Running your store with ProductCart
Printed Date: 01-March-2025 at 12:08pm
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Topic: International Shipping
Posted By: dominicparrillo
Subject: International Shipping
Date Posted: 22-March-2010 at 9:29am

Our products include shipping in continental usa. If we ship to Canada, it is an additional $7. Can i add a field, and if checked, charges them this amount. Or can it detect it from country field?

Help but thanks for taking anytime to help!

Posted By: Hamish
Date Posted: 22-March-2010 at 9:53am
Hi,  Without any information on your current shipping set-up it's difficult to provide specific advice, however -        
may help. You are talking about a "handling fee" which can be added - see later on that same page. -

Editing ProductCart Code?

See" rel="nofollow - WIKI Guidelines for Editing ProductCart's ASP Source Code

Posted By: dominicparrillo
Date Posted: 23-March-2010 at 9:24am
Shipping is FREE unless it is Canada  - then it is $7 additionl... so we have no shipping setup since we dont charge for shipping

Posted By: Hamish
Date Posted: 23-March-2010 at 9:27am
   In that case the info on the WIKI should cover it OK.

Editing ProductCart Code?

See" rel="nofollow - WIKI Guidelines for Editing ProductCart's ASP Source Code

Posted By: dominicparrillo
Date Posted: 24-March-2010 at 6:29pm

I read the wiki but still no help... but i am getting closer...

one thing i noticed is that when i seelct canada... the PROVINCE is a EMPTY DROP DOWN.... SHoulnt this be a box for them to input something... or how do i get the list for all canada providence to show here?

Posted By: dominicparrillo
Date Posted: 24-March-2010 at 6:29pm
I was doing the Calculate Shipping to see if that would work and no it didnt

Posted By: katharina
Date Posted: 24-March-2010 at 6:45pm
You need to add the provinces to make it work.  Here is a list:
Go to Setting, Manage States, you may only have to activate them.  If not add them.


Posted By: dominicparrillo
Date Posted: 24-March-2010 at 8:13pm
HI this did help but the shipping is not working still ... I am just trying to get a handling fee to show up if it ships to cananda.. otherwise shiping is free... i changed the setting on the items - btw... from NO SHIPPING  - that was checked so now it isnt... but all our orders is free shipping unless it is canada... - is site...
this is the item -

Posted By: katharina
Date Posted: 24-March-2010 at 8:57pm
Could it be that you did not select the right shipping option.  I know over 4 pounds it needs to be Priority Mail International, or it will show shipping to be determined.  This would charge the service charge in addition to the actual shipping cost.  Also get the shipping patch they have issued.  It will fix the problem of not showing any rates either.

If  you only charge a flat rate of 7 dollars regardless of weight or actual shipping you may opt for custom shipping option under the shipping service screen.  Just use flat rate based on order amount.  You can set the max to 1 million so you cover all.  And then select international only.  This will not check for country but apply it to all international countries.  It will work if you only accept order from the USA and Canada.   For that you need to go to settings and manage countries.


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