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Setting up PC, connecting to Database

Printed From: ProductCart E-Commerce Solutions
Category: ProductCart
Forum Name: Using ProductCart
Forum Description: Running your store with ProductCart
Printed Date: 01-March-2025 at 12:28pm
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 12.04 -

Topic: Setting up PC, connecting to Database
Posted By: BlackReefDesigns
Subject: Setting up PC, connecting to Database
Date Posted: 22-March-2010 at 5:05pm

I am following the Wiki to setup the ProductCart software on my server.  I have already ran the script and now I am at the 'connecting to database' part:


Connecting to the Database

You can connect to your SQL database using a DSN or DSN-less connection. We recommend using a DSN-less connection. Make sure that the user used in the connection string has been setup for SQL authentication, not Windows authentication.

DSN-Less connection to a MS SQL database

"Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=SERVER-IP,1433;Initial Catalog=DB-NAME;User Id=USER;Password=PWD;

“SERVER-IP” is the server’s IP address
“DB-NAME” is the name of the database

“USER” and “PWD” are the user name and password that grant access to it"

Just to confirm - I need to update the string in the storeconstants.asp file with this, correct?  I don't see any mention of the storeconstants file in this wiki document, so I just want to make sure before I move forward.

In the past I have always had EI install the software on the server just to save some time, but now I am doing it on my own.

Any help would be appreciated,


Joe S.

Posted By: whizzinpc
Date Posted: 22-March-2010 at 5:57pm
Just put your db string in the textbox and continue. It will automatically update the storeconstants file.

Posted By: BlackReefDesigns
Date Posted: 22-March-2010 at 6:00pm
Which text box are you referring to?

Joe S.

Posted By: whizzinpc
Date Posted: 22-March-2010 at 6:12pm
If your using the Wizard. It's on step2.asp.
here is a screenshot. you just put it in the white textbox.">

If not then you can just update the storeconstants file with your db string.

Posted By: BlackReefDesigns
Date Posted: 22-March-2010 at 6:18pm
Oh I see, thank you.  No I was not using the wizard (I haven't tried to activate yet) I am just referencing the Wiki document.

Thanks for the help!  Ill get it taken care of

BTW - the animated .Gif in your avatar is frickin' hilarious.  I think we've all felt like that at some point lol

Joe S.

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