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showing error with pc/instPrd.asp

Printed From: ProductCart E-Commerce Solutions
Category: ProductCart
Forum Name: Using ProductCart
Forum Description: Running your store with ProductCart
Printed Date: 01-March-2025 at 12:01pm
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 12.04 -

Topic: showing error with pc/instPrd.asp
Posted By: marketabilities
Subject: showing error with pc/instPrd.asp
Date Posted: 23-March-2010 at 10:36am
This error is showing up constantly in our store.  Any idea on how this can be fixed?

Date/Time: 3/20/2010
Session ID: 436607448
Error Number: -2147217900
Source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
Description: Incorrect syntax near 'declare'.

query=SELECT xfield FROM xfields WHERE idxfield=1 declare

Request Method: POST
Server Port: 80
HTTPS: off
Local Address:
Host Address:
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; MSIE 6.0; ScanAlert; + Firefox/
URL: /xxxxxxxxx/pc/instPrd.asp
HTTP Headers:

Posted By: mattprice
Date Posted: 23-March-2010 at 12:23pm
Somebody more technical will probably offer better guidance than me but here goes.
It looks like you are hitting an error when trying to add a product with a custom input field to your cart.  Since the error says that there Incorrect syntax near 'declare'.  I would first take a look and see if there are any custom input fields that have the word 'declare' in their description and whether there are any unusual characters either side of that word.  I would also check to see if anything has been changed in file instPRD.asp around line 1171 where the word 'declare' is mentioned

Posted By: marketabilities
Date Posted: 24-March-2010 at 8:11am

Thanks so much for your suggestions.  I looked and can't find a 'declare' on anything other than things that have been commented out and don't find it in descriptions. I don't see anything changed in the instPRD.asp either.  The strange thing is that the error seems to be coming from so I'm thinking that maybe that scanalert just doesn't like something so I don't believe at this point it is effecting the stores performance although I'll keep an eye on it.  Thanks again, Stephanie

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