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Printed From: ProductCart E-Commerce Solutions
Category: ProductCart
Forum Name: Using ProductCart
Forum Description: Running your store with ProductCart
Printed Date: 01-March-2025 at 3:02pm
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Topic: Select All
Posted By: ACTMARK
Subject: Select All
Date Posted: 30-March-2010 at 6:57pm

On several pages of the Control Panel, (e.g. the export for reimport feature, Manage Suppliers, Manage Categories, etc) you have the option of select all to delete or move, etc.  However, when you click on that the select all only it only selects what's on the existing page.  This becomes a bit of nuisance when I'm trying to delete or move all products from a specific category.  I literally have to go thorough all the pages to complete the task.  When I tried to manager by brand (delete or export, etc), I have over 200 pages that I would have to go through in order to complete the task.  Did I overlook something?  Is there a way around this?

Thank you.

Posted By: ProductCart
Date Posted: 01-April-2010 at 1:08am
You can set the results to be shown on the page (e.g. Export for Re-import), and if you set it to 100, that would be go pretty quick, no?

The ProductCart Team

Home of ProductCart" rel="nofollow - shopping cart software

Posted By: ACTMARK
Date Posted: 01-April-2010 at 1:25pm

Yes, it is quick to download 100 SKUs but not if you have 30,000 SKUs which we are building up to.  Also, when we update our database, it is generally done on a vendor or brand by brand basis.  It is difficult for me to figure out where those sit in the database in order to use the download by 100 SKU feature.  I just wanted to know if there was something I was missing that prevents me from using the select all button in order to select everything that came on the search as oppose to just the page you are on.  It appears that there is no other way around it so I'll have my web developer add a view all feature on the search result page so that the select all feature will work on all the SKUs from the search.

Thank you. 

Posted By: Greg Dinger
Date Posted: 01-April-2010 at 2:14pm
Depending on what you try to do, if you try to process 30k SKUs all at once you may run into timeout issues.

GreyBeard Design Group

Certified ProductCart Developer

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Posted By: ACTMARK
Date Posted: 01-April-2010 at 3:11pm
No, I'm running into time out issues now with 7,000 SKUs.  I thought it was just a GoDaddy issue but apparently not.  Right now I can run 1,000 SKUs at a time (farily slow) but one time when I did it, it still timed out on me.  Also, my store basically freeezes whenever I download.  Definitely I wouldn't want to download 30,000 SKUs all at once, which is why I was interested in the ability to download by brand except I would have to go through hundreds of pages and click select all for each page, which kind of renders that feature useless for me.

Posted By: katharina
Date Posted: 01-April-2010 at 3:23pm
We have timeout issues hosted on
I'm not sure if it can really be blamed on the hosting co alone.  The dialup or other provider has to be blamed to.  We use directv which seems to be a big culprit.  We do better when using AOL dialup, but it is not a solution at all.  We did once try the direct connection at a club.  They were nice enough to let us use their system by giving us access to it.  That was wonderful, but they are 6 hours away from here.  I did some big downloads in no time and no timeouts either.    So there is something else to look at. 


Posted By: Greg Dinger
Date Posted: 01-April-2010 at 3:28pm
NoDaddy is an inferior host and not suitable for hosting a serious store.  You should read the notice on the following page as well as various posts (rants) here in the forum: -
At the top of ReverseImport_step1.asp you will find this statement. 
pcv_intExportSize = 300
You can experiment with that value and cause different chunk sizes of products to be defined for the download selection criteria.
A revision could certainly be created to support export by brand, and perhaps also limited to workable chunks of data.
If tweaking the above value does not help, I'd suggest you strongly consider moving to a better host as a next step, then look at custom programming if those do not resolve the issue.

GreyBeard Design Group

Certified ProductCart Developer

Web Design/Development/Hosting" rel="nofollow - Add-Ons & Custom Code |

Posted By: ACTMARK
Date Posted: 01-April-2010 at 3:40pm
I've already switched actually.  I thought it was a GoDaddy issue but when I switched over to Jolt, I'm experiencing the same problem. Thanks for the tip on where the code is to adjust the download size.  I may play with that, however, even at a 1000, it's pretty slow and actually timed out on me once.  I also, often times get a error message at the bottom left corner of my browser after a few minutes of download.  Katharina, when you say you've downloaded some pretty big files, how many SKUs are we talking about.  As I said, I always timed out with 7,000 SKUs at GoDaddy and at Jolt.  This is using a ultra high speed cable modem.  Also, does your store lock while it's downloading about 1,000 SKUs? 

Posted By: katharina
Date Posted: 01-April-2010 at 4:03pm
We have over 4000 skus, but what really kills us running sales reports.  We can only do monthly and at high sales season 2 weeks worse at a time.  At the club we were able to download an entire year!  It took some time, but did not timeout.  Can't remember how big the file was.   All I wanted to point out that it may not be the hosting company, but your connection to the Internet.


Posted By: ACTMARK
Date Posted: 01-April-2010 at 6:00pm
I'll try a different connection but the speed issue seems to be on the database server side since the download file only happens at the end when the database base finishes its download plus I'm using ultra high speed cable, i think it's about 8mb download speed.  It's fast. I'll have to try downloading 4,000 SKUs at at a time and see if it works.

Posted By: ProductCart
Date Posted: 01-April-2010 at 6:18pm
ACTMARK: can you clarify exactly which feature is timing out?

Please provide the exact steps that you are taking, since features like "Export for Re-import" behave completely differently depending on which selections you choose.

The ProductCart Team

Home of ProductCart" rel="nofollow - shopping cart software

Posted By: ACTMARK
Date Posted: 01-April-2010 at 7:30pm

I use the export for reimport feature and I select all fields and all SKUs.  I've also tried just the fields that are automatically selected and it still times out.  I was told by support to export 1,000 at a time as a workaround solution.  I'm just a little suprise since I spoke with 2 web hosting companies (not GoDaddy) and they both said 7,000 SKUs is not consider a large database and it shouldn't do that.  I've never use Product Cart before so I'm just not sure if this is the norm.  Ultimately, once my database is completely built, I would like to be able to export and update by category or by vendor or brand and that's where I run into the problem of the select all which is really more of a 'select all on this page'.

Posted By: ACTMARK
Date Posted: 15-April-2010 at 8:14am
Actually, my developer came up with a quick and easy fix.  On the search screen, you can select how many search results to display on each page.  He simply added a selection for 10,000 which essentially covers all search results.

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