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Steps in using secure pages

Printed From: ProductCart E-Commerce Solutions
Category: ProductCart
Forum Name: Using ProductCart
Forum Description: Running your store with ProductCart
Printed Date: 02-March-2025 at 4:30pm
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Topic: Steps in using secure pages
Posted By: Rick_N
Subject: Steps in using secure pages
Date Posted: 18-April-2010 at 11:23am
Hi folks,
OK I have read the WIKI and followed many extra links and got as much info as I can. My question is, what is supposed to happen when switching between non-secure and secure pages?
I enter my store through the front door, via non-secure page( http://www - http://www ......). I add a few items to my cart. I proceed to checkout and switch to the secure page( https://www - https://www ......). At this point, when are the pages supposed to switch back to non-secure? If I proceed to the checkout then the secure page is being used but if I go back to the home page, via header link default.asp (absolute I think it's called) before finishing the checkout it retains the https://www - https://www ... and I am now returned back to a secure home page( - ). How do I get this to default back to the original non-secure page?
I believe it was the WIKI that stated the includes/storeconstants.asp file needs to have the same url as entered in the control panel under Store Uses SSL url. In my case it would be - . If I set the storeconstants.asp to use the same url then all my category navigation, once generated, defaults to secure pages.
I am trying to get my provider to set the “New ID On Secure Connection (keepSessionIdSecure)” setting to false in IIS7. Would this have anything to do with it?  I understand the other issue related to the cart items being lost but I do not know if this issue would be related to that setting.
Or would I have to make sure that the links on my header.asp all have full links, with the http:// ?
I hope that made sense.

EveningSecrets Lingerie...what 'every body' wants - EveningSecrets Lingerie

Posted By: Greg Dinger
Date Posted: 18-April-2010 at 11:29am
Rick - in your header.asp, footer.asp and possibly others (small search, small cart, etc.) you need to hard-code URLs to HTTP or HTTPS according to where you want to pooint the browser when someone clicks a link. 
storeconstants has nothing to do with this, and I cannot think of a reason you would want HTTPS in that file.
Please note that I emphasize URLs.  DO NOT hard-code images, css, JS or other physical objects.  Only page URLs.

GreyBeard Design Group

Certified ProductCart Developer

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Posted By: Rick_N
Date Posted: 18-April-2010 at 1:14pm
Thanks Greg,
I'll change the links. I assumed this was the way but wanted to clarify.
On the note of changing the storeconstants.asp, perhaps I read it wrong but the page I viewed is here: -  and the lines I read are added below, particularly the one in blue.
  • Make sure that the file “includes/storeconstants.asp” contains the correct URL
  • Make sure that the SSL URL under Settings > Store Settings is correct and consistent with the URL in “storeconstants.asp”
  • Make sure that the Home Page URL under Settings > Store Settings is correct and consistent with the URL in “storeconstants.asp
  • Thanks for clearing things up.


    EveningSecrets Lingerie...what 'every body' wants - EveningSecrets Lingerie

    Posted By: Greg Dinger
    Date Posted: 18-April-2010 at 1:19pm
    storeconstants should reference HTTP, not HTTPS.
    As you are looking at your overall set of changes, I like to go to wherever there is a link that will lead to a login, and change it to HTTPS if that's not already happening as a result of EI's code.  This will overcome the eventual red flag you will encounter when you attempt PCI compliance tests.

    GreyBeard Design Group

    Certified ProductCart Developer

    Web Design/Development/Hosting" rel="nofollow - Add-Ons & Custom Code |

    Posted By: benpate
    Date Posted: 21-April-2010 at 12:43pm
    The problem is that you have a RELATIVE link NOT an absolute one.

    Relative - /productcart/pc/home.asp
    Absolute -

    Change to Absolute version and it will go to the unsecure page...unless you code it that way :)

    ------------- - ProductCart SEO - Resellers and Affiliates welcome

    Posted By: Rick_N
    Date Posted: 21-April-2010 at 2:57pm
    Actually the problem was not to do with the security warning when changing from Secure to Non secure pages. The problem was I did not want to have the site using HTTPS when it didn't need to. I answered my own question with Greg's confirmation.
    Many thanks though for adding your point..

    EveningSecrets Lingerie...what 'every body' wants - EveningSecrets Lingerie

    Posted By: Rick_N
    Date Posted: 21-April-2010 at 2:59pm
    I misunderstood my own thinking. Yes that was the problem. Once I coded the header links correctly all is fine. However, there were a heck of a lot more that you have to find as you are testing. Custpref.asp is a good example.

    EveningSecrets Lingerie...what 'every body' wants - EveningSecrets Lingerie

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