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Do not allow back ordering not working

Printed From: ProductCart E-Commerce Solutions
Category: ProductCart
Forum Name: Using ProductCart
Forum Description: Running your store with ProductCart
Printed Date: 03-March-2025 at 5:13am
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Topic: Do not allow back ordering not working
Posted By: Dayv3
Subject: Do not allow back ordering not working
Date Posted: 30-May-2010 at 2:43am


In 3.51 BTO  I DID NOT have allow back ordering checked in the Inventory Settings section
of the  modify product section.  I did not have have selected the Show Out of Stock option under Store Settings > Miscellaneous selected.  Yet the shopping cart sold items that I did not have.

After studying  the manual for awhile I found a section that states:

The three inventory statuses listed above become irrelevant when:

  • The entire store has been set to allow the purchase of out of stock items. This setting is located on the Store Settings > Order & Customer Related tab.

My question is why?
Is this fixed in version 4?

It would seem to me that if do not allow back ordering is checked  ANY WHERE  the
shopping cart would disallow back ordering.


Posted By: Hamish
Date Posted: 30-May-2010 at 4:08am
Hi Dave,
    Many stores allow ordering of "out of stock" items globally because they manage stock outside of ProductCart.
If you do NOT have back-ordering allowed anywhere then there are still occasions when over-ordering can occur, when two customers are going through the checkout at the same time with the last of a product in their cart at the same time.  V4.1 will have an increased number of checks which will decrease the chances of this occuring - see this thread for more info : -
If this is not the case on your store then please raise a support ticket.

Editing ProductCart Code?

See" rel="nofollow - WIKI Guidelines for Editing ProductCart's ASP Source Code

Posted By: Dayv3
Date Posted: 01-June-2010 at 11:22pm

I see the point of having a global setting so that back ordering can be totally turned on or off but, how does one have back ordering on an ala-cart basis?

ie: What if it is desired to have these products back orderable and those products NOT back orderable? And the global setting do not getting in the way.

I am also following the posts on the link you provided

Posted By: Hamish
Date Posted: 02-June-2010 at 8:01am
  If you need a mix of stock limited and back orderable products then you should not set the global "allow back Ordering" flag and instead set allow back ordering on the inventory tab of each product where you wish to allow it.
Please note, the "global" checkbox only allows back ordering globally. If it is un-checked then the default action is to disallow back ordering unless allowed at the product level.In other words you can think of it as a "ALLOW Back-Ordering/CHECK the Product settings" switch.

Editing ProductCart Code?

See" rel="nofollow - WIKI Guidelines for Editing ProductCart's ASP Source Code

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