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Rules triggered by category vs item

Printed From: ProductCart E-Commerce Solutions
Category: ProductCart Build To Order
Forum Name: Conflict Management
Forum Description: For BETA testers of the Conflict Management module.
Printed Date: 31-March-2025 at 5:50pm
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 12.04 -

Topic: Rules triggered by category vs item
Posted By: cptkoi
Subject: Rules triggered by category vs item
Date Posted: 16-November-2005 at 2:35pm

Imagine a computer has space for two items in it

It must have at least one of category A but if it has 2 it cant have any of category B

Currently i use the drop down box scenario as there are options in each category and it doesn't matter which option is selected. There is then the multiple box to choose one/two etc

How do i configure the store to enforce the above using this new feature?

Also it would be handy is people could select a category as opposed to an Item  - if the customer chooses anything from cat a then they can only choose cat b

"I need a hug, I need love, I need fun, I want to feel happy. Thats the world I want to live in!"

Posted By: ProductCart
Date Posted: 29-November-2005 at 3:46pm

The system currently supports only rules that are based on the selection of an individual item. If you select item XYZ, then...

I believe that what you are suggesting is that the system be improved so that:

  1. A rule can be triggered by the selection of ANY item in a certain category
  2. A rule can be configured to disable selections in a second category if more than N items have been selected in the first category (this assumes that the first category has been setup for multiple selections)

Is this correct?

The ProductCart Team

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Posted By: cptkoi
Date Posted: 29-November-2005 at 5:43pm
Sounds perfect to me

"I need a hug, I need love, I need fun, I want to feel happy. Thats the world I want to live in!"

Posted By: k5l7v9l
Date Posted: 27-January-2013 at 8:13am
Hi, I know this posted a long long time ago, but this idea makes perfect sense. The conflict management rules should be set from a single page and these rules would apply to all BTO configurations....Rather than going through each BTO configuration and applying the rules.
Has anyone looked into this since? I think it's a major weakness of the conflict management tool as it is really time consuming to make sure the rules are updated after a product has been removed or added to BTO configurations.

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