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Downloadable and Mailable Item

Printed From: ProductCart E-Commerce Solutions
Category: ProductCart
Forum Name: Using ProductCart
Forum Description: Running your store with ProductCart
Printed Date: 03-March-2025 at 10:37pm
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 12.04 -

Topic: Downloadable and Mailable Item
Posted By: lucyzoe
Subject: Downloadable and Mailable Item
Date Posted: 09-August-2010 at 5:11pm
I sell audio CDs and audio MP3s. Is there a way, using Product Options, to give the customer both options? Using the downloadable option, it looks like I have to create the MP3 as the primary item, and then add a secondary option to purchase the CD. Is anyone doing anything different?

Lucy Zoe

Posted By: Hamish
Date Posted: 09-August-2010 at 6:22pm
Hi Zoe,
    Do you want to sell CD's as a backup to the download?
 - OR -
   As a separate SKU?

I suspect cross selling / product bundles will meet your needs. -  



Editing ProductCart Code?

See" rel="nofollow - WIKI Guidelines for Editing ProductCart's ASP Source Code

Posted By: lucyzoe
Date Posted: 10-August-2010 at 12:21pm
I want to sell CDs as well as allow customer to purchase the same item as an MP3 - a downloadable item. Same exact product, just delivered using two different methods.

Neither cross-selling or product bundles meet our need.

I was hoping to create one sku and have two different options available for purchase. So when a customer sees an audio product called, "How to tie your shoes," they can either order the audio CD set and it will be mailed, or they can download it for a lesser price.

Thanks for trying.

Posted By: Hamish
Date Posted: 10-August-2010 at 2:26pm
Hi, I would use separate SKU's as a matter of course as, although it's the same music, they are separate products. One is a physical CD, held in stock (or perhaps created on demand I guess), with stock level's weight, shipping costs and the other is an MP3, with none of the same attributes.  Whatever works OK for you is fine though :-)  

Editing ProductCart Code?

See" rel="nofollow - WIKI Guidelines for Editing ProductCart's ASP Source Code

Posted By: lucyzoe
Date Posted: 13-August-2010 at 2:39pm
Hey Hamish,
Thanks for your response.
I was hoping to use a product option, but can't get that to work. It looks like two SKU's will have to do.


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