Reward Points error on subproducts
Printed From: ProductCart E-Commerce Solutions
Category: ProductCart
Forum Name: Using ProductCart
Forum Description: Running your store with ProductCart
Printed Date: 04-March-2025 at 1:59am Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 12.04 -
Topic: Reward Points error on subproducts
Posted By: bodyexposed
Subject: Reward Points error on subproducts
Date Posted: 27-August-2010 at 5:26am
I recently enabled the reward points system on my store. The store uses the apparel add-on and has a large number of products.
Using 'Assign Points to Multiple Products' I set all products to 'Points=Price' and the parent products were all updated correctly. However, on a small number of products, the points assigned to subproducts were incorrect; for example the parent product had a price of 22.80 and was correctly assigned 23 points, but all its sub-products were set to 180 points.
This has occurred on only a small number of products. Has anyone else experienced this behaviour? Should I raise a ticket?
------------- Richard Bonfield
Underwear store for men
Posted By: Hamish
Date Posted: 27-August-2010 at 5:34am
Hi Richard, Yes please.
------------- Editing ProductCart Code?
See" rel="nofollow - WIKI Guidelines for Editing ProductCart's ASP Source Code
Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 29-August-2010 at 12:25am
Interesting. I've had some Rewards Points issues with a client that has several Apparel sites, and I haven't been able to conclusively prove there is a real issue here as he's constantly adjusting prices and points, so it's been a moving target. I'm definitely tracking this post to see what comes up.
Every time I do a test, the points seem to be correct, but every order my client sends by way of complaint, they are all incorrect, with no patter I can discern.