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Sagepay problem with checkout when no ship address

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Topic: Sagepay problem with checkout when no ship address
Posted By: mattprice
Subject: Sagepay problem with checkout when no ship address
Date Posted: 06-September-2010 at 9:29am
I use Sagepay Form and it has worked perfectly until recently when we introduced a product that does not require a shipping address.
The customer gets an error when they are transferred to Sagepay suggesting they have a malformed shipping address.  Of course there is no shipping address so here lies the problem.
Has anyone encounterd this problem ?

Posted By: bodyexposed
Date Posted: 09-September-2010 at 7:12am
I have also found this problem with Sagepay. It appears that the shipping address is removed, if there is no shipping charge for the product which has been purchased.

Richard Bonfield

Underwear store for men

Posted By: mattprice
Date Posted: 09-September-2010 at 7:26am
Hi Richard,
thanks for this.  Was'nt sure if it was just me.
Can I ask this is added to a bugs list.  I am not sure of the technicalities behind the Sagepay integration but I am guessing there may need to be a flag to only send shipping address info when it is applicable.
Note : I would'nt want shipping address to be removed completely because Sagepay have some pretty useful backend fraud metrics which look at, among other things, the customer's shipping address as well as billing address when giving an overall fraud rating.

Posted By: bodyexposed
Date Posted: 09-September-2010 at 7:44am
I also would like to see EI pass the shipping address to the payment gateway, even if there is no shipping charge.  It would avoid the sagepay error message and possible loss of a sale.

Just noticed I've been promoted to Groupie. I guess that's a compliment!

Richard Bonfield

Underwear store for men

Posted By: intour
Date Posted: 23-September-2010 at 4:58am
Sagepay will require some sort of address even if it's not used for shipping as they need it for security reasons.

------------- - Innerview
Productcart Platinum Reseller
Web Design/Hosting/Virtual Tours

Posted By: mattprice
Date Posted: 24-June-2011 at 8:55am
Please could this be added to the bugs list for a fix in a future version.  Basically, if a product does not require a shipping address (i.e if the product has had the "no shipping address" box ticked in the backend) then Sagepay Form falls over because no shipping address has been passed.
This topic has arisen in the past on the Sagepay forums" rel="nofollow -
Sagepay advise that if a shipping address does not exist then the cart needs to use some logic to pass the Billing address instead.  They cite intangible products such as downloadables.
My particular orders are falling over because I am creating adhoc charges using the hidden product recommendation at" rel="nofollow - .  These charges do not need shipping so have the no shipping box ticked.
When a customer tries to checkout their payment Sagepay hit them with a malformed shipping address error.

Posted By: intour
Date Posted: 24-June-2011 at 9:54am
Hi Matt,
As ca workaround you could try setting up the product with shipping selected and then create a shipping option with £0 called 'no shipping required'. This would get Sagepay to work.

------------- - Innerview
Productcart Platinum Reseller
Web Design/Hosting/Virtual Tours

Posted By: mattprice
Date Posted: 24-June-2011 at 10:08am
Hi Nigel,
Thanks for the suggestion However, I suspect I will get customer's selecting this option when they shouldn't.  For a completely different reason I had a shipping selection option in the past that relied on the customer choosing the appropriate selection rather than the cheapest.  It simply didnt work.
You did get me thinking though and since the only time I will need no shipping is when I have an adhoc charge I have set up a free shipping discount code that automatically applies to my specific hidden adhoc category. 
I think this should work but I would like EI to take a look at a sagepay fix if they could because it still seems a bit silly that a customer has to select a shipping address when there is mothing to ship.

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