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Tax Settings

Printed From: ProductCart E-Commerce Solutions
Category: ProductCart
Forum Name: Using ProductCart
Forum Description: Running your store with ProductCart
Printed Date: 04-March-2025 at 9:54am
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Topic: Tax Settings
Posted By: vishal.gadhia
Subject: Tax Settings
Date Posted: 05-November-2010 at 1:33pm
Our store is set up for collecting taxes from our customers. Hence we decided to purchase Tax Data Systems tax file for all US, as we wanted to have taxes zipcode wise.
We now have a situation here, our management has now decided that they want to tax all the sales, but do not want customers to pay for the taxes, in other sense, they want to absorb the taxes within for all the sales that are made thru the store.
Is there any way in ProductCart where we can have taxes being calculated internally for every order, but not show and billed to the customer.
At the end of the day, what our managment wants is a report of taxes that will be owed to each state, and how pay up from their procket, rather than ask the customer to cough up the taxes.
If someone has any idea on how this can be achieved, it would be great.

Vishal Gadhia

Posted By: vishal.gadhia
Date Posted: 05-November-2010 at 1:34pm

Vishal Gadhia

Posted By: katharina
Date Posted: 05-November-2010 at 1:40pm
I don't have the answer, but rather a suggestion.  Have the site calculate the sales tax and instantly add a refund/credit to the invoice with the wording:  We cover your sales tax.
That makes the company look good in the eye of the shopper and the site still calculates and reports the sales tax as usual.  I'm not an PC programmer, but this sounds easier from my programming background.  I don't think it involves much coding.


Posted By: vishal.gadhia
Date Posted: 05-November-2010 at 1:42pm
Thanks for the suggestion. We can credit the amount at time of checout, but we woudl not know at the end of the day how much we owe to pay to the states.

Vishal Gadhia

Posted By: katharina
Date Posted: 05-November-2010 at 1:51pm
Why not.  You are not refunding the tax or change the tax amount calculated, you are simply giving automatically a reduction to the total amount owed to you.  With other words the credit is applied to the invoice, but not the tax calculated amount.  It will show the taxes calculated on the invoice and the back office.  From a logic point all that needs to be added to the code is:
Calculate tax
report tax to the back end
print tax onto the invoice
add a courtesy credit line to the invoice
subtract from the invoice
do not subtract from the tax back end

or shorter:
Calculate tax
report tax to the back end
do not print tax onto the invoice
do not add tax to the invoice
do not subtract from the tax back end
Any PC programmer can apply either logic to your site.  I bet Greg Dinger can help you quickly with this.

As I've said it sounds like just a few lines of code to me. 


Posted By: intour
Date Posted: 10-November-2010 at 4:42am
Hi Katherina and Vishal,
If you Credit back the Tax won't ProductCart calculate a portion of the Credit as a Tax percentage and so mess up the tax reporting and the amount owed?
You could set up ProductCart not to charge any tax at all then export your sales files and run a seperate calculation to work out what is owed. Either way it sounds like a fair bit of extra work and if you can automate so much the better.

------------- - Innerview
Productcart Platinum Reseller
Web Design/Hosting/Virtual Tours

Posted By: vishal.gadhia
Date Posted: 10-November-2010 at 5:02am
Exactly,looks like this isn't straight way to get this done except taking this process offline and then calculate the taxes. Prolly a job that runs every night and does the calulatuons and stores it in the database.
If there is an easier way please share

Vishal Gadhia

Posted By: intour
Date Posted: 10-November-2010 at 5:51am
I can't think of a simple way.
There are plenty of us here that could write you a standalone option to run the calculations for you from a file that directly accesses ProductCarts database.
If you want something fully integrated with productCart you'd have to ask one of the specialist Developers like Greg and Sean.

------------- - Innerview
Productcart Platinum Reseller
Web Design/Hosting/Virtual Tours

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