Show / Hide BTO Category
Printed From: ProductCart E-Commerce Solutions
Category: ProductCart Build To Order
Forum Name: Customizing BTO
Forum Description: Interact with other users, resellers and developers about customizing BTO
Printed Date: 18-February-2025 at 5:59pm Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 12.04 -
Topic: Show / Hide BTO Category
Posted By: Fseminario
Subject: Show / Hide BTO Category
Date Posted: 27-November-2010 at 5:16pm
Hello, this is my first time modifying ProductCart. I am a ASP newb with a deep design background. My question is, how do i hide and show certain bto categories from displaying in the cart through ASP and not the control panel. I'm trying to modify an existing altered productcart and i think i have found where the trigger is to hide or show certain items. Am I correct? btw, RDL is a programmer who altered the product cart.
Filename: configurePRDcode.asp
"<table class="pcBTOmainTable"> <% dim jCnt CB_CatCnt = 0 jCnt=0 '******************************************* '******* START BTO Categories IF NOT rsSSobj.eof then Dim strCol strCol = "class=pcBTOsecondRow" checkVar=0 checkVarCat=0
pcv_tmpArr=rsSSobj.GetRows() pcv_ArrCount=ubound(pcv_tmpArr,2) set rsSSobj=nothing 'RDL Update Array with new defaults passed here 'RDL Create array with list of prods for each category Dim ArrayRow Dim catproducts() redim catproducts(200) Dim catnumb Dim maxleadtime maxleadtime = 0 Dim temprow Dim writecatlead Dim NewCat NewCat = False For ArrayRow = 0 to pcv_ArrCount-1 if pcv_tmpArr(0,ArrayRow) <> catnumb then NewCat = True Else NewCat = False End if catnumb = pcv_tmpArr(0,ArrayRow) catproducts(catnumb) = catproducts(catnumb) & pcv_tmpArr(5,ArrayRow) & "," writecatlead = false for temprow = lbound(ArrProduct) to (UBound(ArrProduct)-1) if Clng(ArrCategory(i))=Clng(catnumb) then maxleadtime = cint(pcv_tmpArr(24,ArrayRow)) writecatlead = true end if next if writecatlead and NewCat then%> <input type="hidden" ID="CAG<%=catnumb%>LT" value="<%=pcv_tmpArr(24,ArrayRow)%>"> <%end if Next LeadDays = maxleadtime response.redirect("msgb.asp?message="&LeadDays) ShipDate = GetShipDate() %> <%'RDL Capture ShipDate%> <input name="LeadDays" type="hidden" value="<%=leaddays%>"> <input id="shipdatebuffer" name="shipdatebuffer" type="hidden" value="<%=Shipdate%>"> <%session("shipdate") = shipdate
'*********** LOOP CATs"
Posted By: Fseminario
Date Posted: 27-November-2010 at 9:17pm
Figured it out....Thanks anyways.
Posted By: Brett
Date Posted: 29-November-2010 at 8:34pm
Mind posting the solution if it's simple? I can think of a couple different ways to do this. Thanks