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Webpage Caching

Printed From: ProductCart E-Commerce Solutions
Category: ProductCart
Forum Name: Using ProductCart
Forum Description: Running your store with ProductCart
Printed Date: 04-March-2025 at 4:30pm
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 12.04 -

Topic: Webpage Caching
Posted By: ss1001
Subject: Webpage Caching
Date Posted: 01-February-2011 at 2:58pm



Does anyone know of a way to cache popular web pages i.e. We are testing Product cart and realized that the site is slow. We have on the same server the same site that was developed using Commerce Server 2000 which has its own built in caching and the same products pages come up really fast. We do stop the site in IIS 6 so that product cart is the only running site. Furthermore, we have tested product cart on the same physical hardware with just the Product cart site installed. Sale SQL Server used in both cases. We are running the site in a Microsoft environment. Windows Server 2003 w/ latest Service packs, IIS6 and product cart installed.


Can anyone shed some light. I tried searching in the forum but couldn't come up with anything.




Posted By: JoltDigital
Date Posted: 01-February-2011 at 8:10pm
If you are running iis6 or greater you can enable caching for websites. It does require manually editing the metabase but a quick Google search will provide exact instructions. You can also install a paid 3rd party editor such as -

------------- - JoltDigital Inc.
Premium ProductCart Hosting

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