This is the information I received from NetProfits the company that did the customization:
It has nothing to do with the
customization but that the query prior to the one I sent you that has caused
the problem – the query returned an error of “Query timeout expired.”
Result of the execution of that query wasn’t being checked by the
program, so the following query in the program (the one I sent you) inherited
the error and caused the error checking to fail following the execution and
thus, ended the program. SELECT TOP 150 A.idProduct, A.sku, A.description, A.price,
A.listHidden, A.listPrice, A.serviceSpec, A.bToBPrice, A.smallImageUrl,
A.noprices, A.stock, A.noStock, A.pcprod_HideBTOPrice, A.pcProd_BackOrder,
A.FormQuantity, A.pcProd_BackOrder, A.pcProd_BTODefaultPrice, cast(A.sDesc as
varchar(8000)) sDesc FROM products A WHERE ( AND A.removed=0 AND
A.configOnly=0 AND A.idProduct IN (SELECT B.idProduct FROM categories_products
B INNER JOIN categories C ON C.idCategory=B.idCategory WHERE C.iBTOhide=0 AND
C.pccats_RetailHide=0) AND (A.idProduct IN (SELECT D.pcProd_ParentPrd FROM
products D WHERE AND D.pcProd_SPInActive=0 AND
D.pcProd_ParentPrd>0 AND D.removed=0 AND ((D.serviceSpec<>0 AND
D.pcProd_BTODefaultPrice>=0 AND D.pcProd_BTODefaultPrice<=20) OR
(D.serviceSpec=0 AND D.configOnly=0 AND D.price>=0 AND D.price<=20)) )))
err.number=-2147217871; err.description='Query
timeout expired'
SELECT TOP 150 A.idProduct, A.sku, A.description, A.price, A.listHidden,
A.listPrice, A.serviceSpec, A.bToBPrice, A.smallImageUrl, A.noprices, A.stock,
A.noStock, A.pcprod_HideBTOPrice, A.pcProd_BackOrder, A.FormQuantity,
A.pcProd_BackOrder, A.pcProd_BTODefaultPrice, cast(A.sDesc as varchar(8000))
sDesc FROM products A WHERE ( AND A.removed=0 AND A.idProduct IN
(SELECT B.idProduct FROM categories_products B INNER JOIN categories C ON
C.idCategory=B.idCategory WHERE C.iBTOhide=0 AND C.pccats_RetailHide=0) AND
((A.serviceSpec<>0 AND A.pcProd_BTODefaultPrice>=0 AND
A.pcProd_BTODefaultPrice<=20) OR (A.serviceSpec=0 AND A.configOnly=0 AND
A.price>=0 AND A.price<=20)) ) ORDER BY A.sku ASC, A.idproduct DESC
err.number 13; err.description='Type mismatch'
The advised I need to ask about tmpNewQuery3
in showSearchResults.asp returned err.number=-2147217871;
err.description='Query timeout expired').
------------- Brian ProductCart v4.7 QuickBooks Sync Mobile