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PayPal checkout Options

Printed From: ProductCart E-Commerce Solutions
Category: ProductCart
Forum Name: Using ProductCart
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Topic: PayPal checkout Options
Posted By: austcold
Subject: PayPal checkout Options
Date Posted: 09-March-2011 at 7:35am
I currently have PayPal Express Checkout enabled.

How can I change this so customers don't select pay by PayPal until they reach the payment page after the shipping option in the one page checkout.

The reason is I am having intermittent errors through this process, and some customers abort because they don't want to commit to payment without seeing the shipping charge or they phone us and ask us what it will be before they proceed.


Posted By: Greg Dinger
Date Posted: 09-March-2011 at 10:14am
cripple the paypal include in viewcart.asp.  just go look, you will find it.

GreyBeard Design Group

Certified ProductCart Developer

Web Design/Development/Hosting" rel="nofollow - Add-Ons & Custom Code |

Posted By: intour
Date Posted: 11-March-2011 at 6:16am
Love that reply Greg.
'Cripple Paypal' !

------------- - Innerview
Productcart Platinum Reseller
Web Design/Hosting/Virtual Tours

Posted By: austcold
Date Posted: 11-March-2011 at 6:59am
Thanks for the suggestion, I have tried it but yes it literally crippled PayPal so you could no longer pay by PayPal.

My request was to revert back to the traditional way where customers could select PayPal on the payment section of the checkout.

Is that easily accomplished?


Posted By: Greg Dinger
Date Posted: 11-March-2011 at 10:39am
Somehow I was thinking that when we did that on another site it would still show up on the payment method screens.  Just confirmed that did not appear to be the case. 
Would really like to see EI address this.  Many of our clients who use Paypal DO NOT want it appearing on viewcart.asp - they want it on the regular payment method choices. 

GreyBeard Design Group

Certified ProductCart Developer

Web Design/Development/Hosting" rel="nofollow - Add-Ons & Custom Code |

Posted By: Matt
Date Posted: 11-March-2011 at 11:17am
This comes up from time to time.  Express Checkout is displayed before log in because it is meant to be an alternative for customers that do not want to create accounts.  See the " - Express Checkout Button Placement and Usage " doc at PayPal for more details.

Specifically, the text "You must place the PayPal checkout button on your shoppingcart page...Put the Express Checkout button immediately above or below everyexisting checkout button or link on your website. If your site requirescustomers to sign in or create a store account before checkout,the Express Checkout button should be visible before users are requiredto sign in."

Posted By: Hamish
Date Posted: 11-March-2011 at 11:19am
Hi, I have a feeling that this is done due to it being a requirement of Paypal. I'm wondering is something could be done with the css to move the button of the visible page. On my phone at the moment, so unable to test it.

Editing ProductCart Code?

See" rel="nofollow - WIKI Guidelines for Editing ProductCart's ASP Source Code

Posted By: Hamish
Date Posted: 11-March-2011 at 1:56pm
Hi Matt,
  Thanks for the confirmation :-)

Editing ProductCart Code?

See" rel="nofollow - WIKI Guidelines for Editing ProductCart's ASP Source Code

Posted By: austcold
Date Posted: 12-March-2011 at 2:15am
I changed the checkout button, as the PayPal button is three times the size and stands out much more.

So I replaced the checkout button with a similar loud orange button so customers don't oversee the standard checkout button

This made a big difference as more customers now use the standard checkout now so I pay less or no fees.

But I feel we do need the option between standard PayPal checkout and Express PayPal checkout.


Posted By: Hamish
Date Posted: 12-March-2011 at 6:08am
Hi,  I'm afraid it's a PayPal thing. From the WIKI :-
Please note the following about Website Payments Pro: you can activate Express Checkout without activating Direct Payments, but if you activate Direct Payments, Express Checkout is always turned on automatically (you cannot have Direct Payments active and Express Checkout inactive). This is not a ProductCart limitation. It's just how PayPal WPP works. -

Editing ProductCart Code?

See" rel="nofollow - WIKI Guidelines for Editing ProductCart's ASP Source Code

Posted By: austcold
Date Posted: 12-March-2011 at 6:43am
Very cunning like the way there button is included via a link so you can't reduce its size.


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