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Return Page after clicking on 'continue shopping'

Printed From: ProductCart E-Commerce Solutions
Category: ProductCart
Forum Name: Using ProductCart
Forum Description: Running your store with ProductCart
Printed Date: 04-March-2025 at 8:46pm
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 12.04 -

Topic: Return Page after clicking on 'continue shopping'
Posted By: John2710
Subject: Return Page after clicking on 'continue shopping'
Date Posted: 10-March-2011 at 12:23pm
      using v4.1

When a customer adds something to the cart, and clicks on 'continue shopping' they are taken to the featured products page every time, instead of back to the page they came from. Im sure I remember a fix for this, where the return can be set to go back to the original page

Can someone please remind me of the line and file that needs updating?



Posted By: Greg Dinger
Date Posted: 10-March-2011 at 12:30pm
That button is probably pointed to what you have configured as your alternate home page in the store settings.  You can change the behavior by editing viewcart.asp, assuming that is where the "continue" button appears that you are referring to.
The other choice is to activate "stay on page", a feature I authored under V3, and is now a permanent feature of PC.  That way when you are on the product page and add an item to the cart, you don't have to worry about what that continue button does.

GreyBeard Design Group

Certified ProductCart Developer

Web Design/Development/Hosting" rel="nofollow - Add-Ons & Custom Code |

Posted By: John2710
Date Posted: 10-March-2011 at 1:19pm
Hi Greg,
                 i have added the option to stay on the page (I originally bought your add on for V3 so I remember it was you that developed it :) ) and that has certainly got rid of the annoying bounce to the featured products page

But, if I now click on the option to view cart, instead of continue shopping from the popup menu, just to check my items, it still sends me to the featured products page when I click on continue shopping, and not the page it was originally on!!

What other settings do I change in V4 to make to return to the page it left please?



Posted By: Greg Dinger
Date Posted: 10-March-2011 at 1:45pm
could we have a link to your site please?

GreyBeard Design Group

Certified ProductCart Developer

Web Design/Development/Hosting" rel="nofollow - Add-Ons & Custom Code |

Posted By: John2710
Date Posted: 11-March-2011 at 7:46am


Posted By: Greg Dinger
Date Posted: 11-March-2011 at 10:54am
Suggestions -
1 - Turn on the SEO-friendly URLs.  You went to the trouble of moving the home page to the root, now take advantage of the better URL format.
2 - In your store settings, change the "Store Home Page" to and see if your continue shopping issue is improved. 
3 - I have a testimonials database with a  script that rotates those entries randomly if you have more than the one that appears on the lower-right.  You may find that script useful.  See the footer of - - refresh the page a few times.  Contact me offline if interested.
4 - optionally, look at viewcart.asp for this:

<a href="default.asp">
replace it with this:
<a href="#" onClick="history.go(-1)">

GreyBeard Design Group

Certified ProductCart Developer

Web Design/Development/Hosting" rel="nofollow - Add-Ons & Custom Code |

Posted By: Greg Dinger
Date Posted: 11-March-2011 at 10:55am
oh, and edit your include-metatags.asp file.  You are selling sealers, not shopping cart software.

GreyBeard Design Group

Certified ProductCart Developer

Web Design/Development/Hosting" rel="nofollow - Add-Ons & Custom Code |

Posted By: intour
Date Posted: 12-March-2011 at 6:59am
Hi Greg and John,
I had a look at the activewearusa changing testimonials page but it didnt change for me on refresh or when I closed the browser and logged back in.
It's amazing how many ProductCart users don't change the include-metatags.asp file. I think some do intially but forget that this file is always overwritten during version upgrades.
John - on your site it's a good idea to make the product images the same width when diasplayed  in a list with thumbnails. It makes them line up perfectly so the the images and text are all in alignment when scolling down the page.

------------- - Innerview
Productcart Platinum Reseller
Web Design/Hosting/Virtual Tours

Posted By: Greg Dinger
Date Posted: 12-March-2011 at 10:40am
I'll have to discuss with the cleint if that was changed for some reason, but if you go to -  and refresh, it most certainly will rotate.

GreyBeard Design Group

Certified ProductCart Developer

Web Design/Development/Hosting" rel="nofollow - Add-Ons & Custom Code |

Posted By: intour
Date Posted: 12-March-2011 at 12:07pm
That worked fine.

------------- - Innerview
Productcart Platinum Reseller
Web Design/Hosting/Virtual Tours

Posted By: John2710
Date Posted: 17-March-2011 at 12:28pm
Thanks Greg and Nigel for the advice. It was a quick upgrade and fix, and the site still needs work on the design and meta-tags etc. I'll get round to it Im sure :)

I'll make the changes and see how I go


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