Pricing for Multiple Countries
Printed From: ProductCart E-Commerce Solutions
Category: ProductCart
Forum Name: Using ProductCart
Forum Description: Running your store with ProductCart
Printed Date: 04-March-2025 at 11:20pm Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 12.04 -
Topic: Pricing for Multiple Countries
Posted By: joshs
Subject: Pricing for Multiple Countries
Date Posted: 19-March-2011 at 9:03pm
I need to set up pricing for US, Canada, and some Caribbean Countries.
Each will be priced differently. The store manager decides the pricing based on some model and voodoo.
Any suggestions on how to set that up effectively with in a PC4.1 store?
------------- Josh Shirley
Posted By: Matt
Date Posted: 20-March-2011 at 10:07pm
If the pricing is different, then it is likely the graphics will be as well. So I think the best solution is to setup separate stores for each country. They can use the appropriate domain extension for their country (e.g., com, or ca) and be branded properly. If you only needed to display the price differently using the conversion rate I may have suggested something else.
Posted By: joshs
Date Posted: 21-March-2011 at 11:07am
Well the store product line is identical. The pricing is different because of customs and exchange rates.
------------- Josh Shirley
Posted By: joshs
Date Posted: 23-March-2011 at 6:15pm
So I am thinking that I could duplicate the check out process: One for the US and one for Canada. Each country has it's own credit card processor. So it would need to be processed from the correct cc portal.
Or is there a more simple solution??
------------- Josh Shirley
Posted By: Hamish
Date Posted: 23-March-2011 at 7:19pm
Hi Josh, I suspect the easiest solution is separate stores :-) !! Are you talking about different prices but in the same currency? If not, ProductCart doesn't support multi-currency. What abouts taxes? It does support customer pricing categories, but a customer needs to be logged in to have a pricing category assigned. I'm fairly sure it would be possible to write custom code to auto-assign a "pricing category" - but what would it be based upon? IP Address lookup? Clicking on a flag? How can you prevent customers seeing the other prices? - They are likely to always choose the cheapest option - or go elsewhere because they perceive the price available to them is more than it is available to others. Enough of the devils advocate stuff :-) Can you elaborate a bitmore on the requirement?
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Posted By: joshs
Date Posted: 23-March-2011 at 7:28pm
Well, the store is wholesale only.
So to get pricing the customers will have to login.
I have considered separate stores but the catalog is exactly the same for both countries but use the same inventory. So that seems I would have to duplicate all the work. Can two stores work off a single database, effectively?
The prices are different due to import costs and slight currency differences.
------------- Josh Shirley
Posted By: Hamish
Date Posted: 23-March-2011 at 7:47pm
Hi, In that case everything is peachy :-D - You can use one store and customer pricing categories.
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