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Pay Pal Questions

Printed From: ProductCart E-Commerce Solutions
Category: ProductCart
Forum Name: Using ProductCart
Forum Description: Running your store with ProductCart
Printed Date: 05-March-2025 at 11:21pm
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Topic: Pay Pal Questions
Posted By: avmndcom
Subject: Pay Pal Questions
Date Posted: 21-June-2011 at 12:10am
Not a huge PayPal fan, but customer wanted it, so want to make sure we are using it in the best way.   I set up PayPal Express, then did the whole API thing and set up the IPN return URL as directed.   This works!   My questions are this:
1) customer comes to store, adds product to cart, chooses checkout, chooses PayPal, get's directed to PayPal, makes payment, then goes back to the IPN return URL.   If customer bails at this point before completing store order, has a payment taken place?   Has an order truly taken place?
2)in #1 when i get to the PayPal page, how come there is no optoin to check out without a PayPal account.   Is this something with how the buttons are set up?   I have put donation buttons on pages before with the same type of account (business) and I am 99% sure this option is available.   WHen you go to the page to pay there is a link that says "Don't have a PayPal acccount, use your credit or debit card to pay"   
Is this because of PayPal express?

Posted By: Matt
Date Posted: 21-June-2011 at 3:50pm
1. No. They have just selected funding, but still need to select shipping options, Gift wrapping, Coupons, etc.

2. You need a PayPal account to use PayPal Express or Standard.  The only non-branded option is Direct Payment, but that is only available with Website Payments Pro.

Posted By: avmndcom
Date Posted: 21-June-2011 at 4:05pm
To be clear for your #1 answer then:
No, a payment has not taken place and No, (more obviously) and order has not taken place until they select shipping, etc.   Then there must be one more behind the scenese round trip to PayPal to verify order, verify payment and upon return to Product Cart then both an order and payment has taken place?

Posted By: Matt
Date Posted: 21-June-2011 at 4:21pm
correct.  The final stage is behind the scenes and the customer does not leave the store.

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