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A problem with check out.

Printed From: ProductCart E-Commerce Solutions
Category: ProductCart
Forum Name: Using ProductCart
Forum Description: Running your store with ProductCart
Printed Date: 06-March-2025 at 8:21am
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Topic: A problem with check out.
Posted By: razor150
Subject: A problem with check out.
Date Posted: 12-July-2011 at 12:43pm
I have one customer who is in the Philippines who likes to pay with PayPal and have her order shipped to her sister in California. The last 2 times she's ordered she has received this error message.

  • Error 10474
  • Error Description: Invalid Data
  • Error Source: This transaction cannot be processed. The shipping country is not allowed by the buyer's country of residence.
Is there a setting I am missing that is causing this? I've tried recreating this error with no luck.

Posted By: intour
Date Posted: 13-July-2011 at 4:55pm
Is she receiving this message in the store or from Paypal. Either your store is setup not to offer this country the shipping option (in shipping settings) or it is setup that way in paypal.
I suspect it is your store. You can control which countries are offered shipping options in the shipping settings.

------------- - Innerview
Productcart Platinum Reseller
Web Design/Hosting/Virtual Tours

Posted By: razor150
Date Posted: 13-July-2011 at 6:12pm
Thanks for the reply intour.

She receives the message from our store, so I believe it is the store settings as well. She has been able to order from us in the past, she is a frequent customer. This only started when we upgraded to 4.1 (we're on SP2). When I try to reproduce the error I am able to do test orders that are billed from the Philippines that ship to the US even using PayPal. The only problem I receive is I do not get all the shipping options. Which is weird in and of itself, since it only happens when the billing is from the Philippines. I have been able to reproduce that in Early Impact's demo cart. I've opened a ticket and was told the problem was outside of Product Cart. *shrug*

As far as not allowing the shipping area, we're based in the US, Washington state, and she wants to ship to the US, California. We ship to California daily. I've checked shipping settings, we aren't disallowing anywhere. The zip code validator is turned off, and we have zero zip codes entered. If for some reason product cart is going off of the billing address we have international shipping options for the Philippines.

edit: Just thought I would add, she is able to choose a shipping option. She only receives the error when trying to submit the order. So it creates an incomplete order.

Posted By: rotokirby
Date Posted: 14-September-2011 at 2:05am
Having the same issue here, but with a customer based in China. 

Is this an issue with 4.1SP2, or maybe with Paypal Express Checkout?

Rotofugi Designer Toy Store & Gallery
Chicago > IL > US -

Posted By: Matt
Date Posted: 14-September-2011 at 4:05am
That error message is directly from PayPal.  The country code in the shipping address must match the buyer's country of residence.  I think it is for fraud prevention.  Please contact PayPal for more information.

Posted By: rotokirby
Date Posted: 14-September-2011 at 12:18pm
Thanks Matt. The frustrating part is that customers are able to send Paypal direct as a workaround. 

Guess I'll look at all the details and try to figure out where the mismatch is happening. ;)

Rotofugi Designer Toy Store & Gallery
Chicago > IL > US -

Posted By: Matt
Date Posted: 14-September-2011 at 3:08pm
I do not think there is a "mismatch" you can fix.  It is clear that Express Checkout does not allow different billing and shipping countries in some cases.  I'd contact PayPal for more information. 

Posted By: Hamish
Date Posted: 14-September-2011 at 4:13pm
   A transaction on your store and a direct paypal payment are different things. With the direct payment the customer logs into paypal and sends you some money. Paypal don't know what for and certainly don't know about addresses etc, so there is nothing they can do in terms of fraud prevention, other than their normal security/login checks etc.
With an e-commerce transaction a lot more data is available to them, such as the delivery address, so they can (and do) put stricter rules in place!


Editing ProductCart Code?

See" rel="nofollow - WIKI Guidelines for Editing ProductCart's ASP Source Code

Posted By: rotokirby
Date Posted: 14-September-2011 at 5:54pm
I spoke to a very helpful representative at Paypal this afternoon and they couldn't tell, for sure, why the transactions were flagged and denied....but they're looking into it.

Thanks guys.

Rotofugi Designer Toy Store & Gallery
Chicago > IL > US -

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