Admin Place Order Stopped Working
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Category: ProductCart
Forum Name: Using ProductCart
Forum Description: Running your store with ProductCart
Printed Date: 06-March-2025 at 7:49am Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 12.04 -
Topic: Admin Place Order Stopped Working
Posted By: odathp
Subject: Admin Place Order Stopped Working
Date Posted: 05-September-2011 at 2:41pm
When I place an order from admin it goes to the customer login page. Used the Clean up tool to delete all sessions and saved carts. Cleared browser cookies/cache and restarted browser. No help. Problem exists in latest versions of Firefox, IE and Chrome.
The resulting url looks like this:
I looked at checkout.asp and found these lines for msgcode=1
if len(session("pcSFLoginEmail"))<1 AND session("idCustomer")=0 then response.redirect("checkout.asp?cmode="&pcPageMode&"&msgmode=1") end if
I also noticed a whole lotta commented code in that section...
Recent History:
Using latest version of ProductCart Installed all latest security patches Just moved from dedicated to shared host (processing orders successfully) Recently purged the following tables: pcQB_Queue, pcQB_Sessions, pcQB_History, pcQB_Hosts, pcQB_CompanySessions
Thank you for any feedback, Jack
Posted By: Greg Dinger
Date Posted: 05-September-2011 at 2:54pm
If the new shared server is running IIS7, please make certain that in the ASP settings (within IIS) that "New ID on Secure Connection" is set to False. If your admin is in HTTPS and you are jumping to HTTP, it could be dumping your session values.
------------- GreyBeard Design Group
Certified ProductCart Developer
Web Design/Development/Hosting" rel="nofollow - Add-Ons & Custom Code |
Posted By: odathp
Date Posted: 05-September-2011 at 3:14pm
Thanks Greg. We already took care of that. When set to True, an order can not be placed at all since it switches to a secured connection during the order process and looses the session. Customers are processing orders fine. Just Admin having the problem. The thing that puzzles me is that I don't know when this started. Before or after the transfer. Before or after all the security updates. Or somewhere in between. Thanks again...
Posted By: Hamish
Date Posted: 05-September-2011 at 3:24pm
Hi Jack, Have you gone through the potential causes of a lost session? This is almost certainly what is happening :" rel="nofollow -
Also, make sure that
none of the "ProductCart" folders (directories) are assigned to their own
Application Pool (your hosting company can tell you this). If they are, you can
experience lost sessions.
In any case, ProductCart itself does not end
the server session unless the Order is Completed, the customer logs out... or it
times out (after 20 minutes of non-activity), so it must be something else
that's causing this. You might want to add the following line of code to
your 'pc/header.asp' file (in a discreet location), which will show the
actual Session ID created by the Web server when a customer enters your
response.write session.SessionID %>
Pay attention to the number and then notice exactly when
it changes, which could provide insight into the cause.
------------- Editing ProductCart Code?
See" rel="nofollow - WIKI Guidelines for Editing ProductCart's ASP Source Code
Posted By: odathp
Date Posted: 05-September-2011 at 3:49pm
Thank you Hamish for the feedback. Just so we are on the same page,
customers are able to place order with no problems. Only Admin can not
place an order.
I've studied the potential causes of a lost session (actually for a few years now).
I don't believe any directories are assigned the own Application Pool since I never instructed them to do so.
I added the code you included and am getting a response of 552044617
every time for every scenario. Customer logged in, customer logged
out. Admin logged in/out. Admin place order. It never changes.
The only way I could get the value to change was to clear my browser cookies.
Posted By: Hamish
Date Posted: 05-September-2011 at 5:00pm
Hmmm, That seems very odd to me. Greg, any ideas?
------------- Editing ProductCart Code?
See" rel="nofollow - WIKI Guidelines for Editing ProductCart's ASP Source Code
Posted By: odathp
Date Posted: 05-September-2011 at 5:43pm
Was wondering if the idDbSession column should be a PK?
The session is being created, but no data is stored.

Posted By: odathp
Date Posted: 06-September-2011 at 12:01pm
I setup a sandbox on my local machine with the original database from the old server. The admin place order function tested ok.
I requested the hosting company attach that [original] database. I will then test the admin place order function on their server.
I want find out if their database restore from backup is causing the problem or if it's something else with their server configuration.
By the way, the hosting company is Gearhost. They are one of the recommended hosting companies listed on Early Impact's website .
Posted By: odathp
Date Posted: 06-September-2011 at 12:21pm
The hosting company attached the original database and the admin place order function still fails.
Guess I'll open a ticket on this.
Posted By: Greg Dinger
Date Posted: 06-September-2011 at 1:22pm
I would encourage you to run PC in a dedicated application pool. And while you don't identify who the new host is, this may be another example that points to the value of hosting PC stores with someone who actually knows the application and can provide the appropriate environment. Is this host accustomed to dealing with ProductCart?
------------- GreyBeard Design Group
Certified ProductCart Developer
Web Design/Development/Hosting" rel="nofollow - Add-Ons & Custom Code |
Posted By: odathp
Date Posted: 06-September-2011 at 1:38pm
Yes, 2-3 posts up I identified the hosting company. Gearhost. They are listed on the Early Impact website as a ProductCart-optimized ecommerce Web host. According to Early Impact, "..they host at least 10 or more ProductCart-powered stores, and are committed to providing an optimal hosting experience for ProductCart merchants".
After to speaking with them on the phone multiples times, I can confirm they are willing to do whatever necessary to resolve this issue.
I submitted a ticket to Early Impact. Everything (including Quickbooks Synchronizer) works on Gearhost with the exception of the Admin Place Order function.
Posted By: odathp
Date Posted: 06-September-2011 at 3:34pm
Update. Early Impact has resolved this issue.
" turned out to be
an issue related to the encryption/decryption of the customer password, For
some reason, it didn't like something about the server or license key... so our
developer edited the following files and it is now working:"
Not sure if this is related. I did execute the Control Panel "Generate New Encryption Key" sometime before all this started. I don't want to try it again to see what happens for obvious reasons.
Oh, and I was also reminded to change the name of the pcadmin folder. lol.
Thank you Early Impact support!