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Small Miscellaneous Things

Printed From: ProductCart E-Commerce Solutions
Category: ProductCart
Forum Name: Customizing ProductCart
Forum Description: Exchange messages with other users that are customizing ProductCart.
Printed Date: 26-June-2024 at 6:54am
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Topic: Small Miscellaneous Things
Posted By: Ludwig
Subject: Small Miscellaneous Things
Date Posted: 14-February-2012 at 5:49am
Does anyone know how to do any of the following.

1. Stop from getting logged out of the admin panel (Solved)
2. Extend the default date range for "view all orders"
3. Remove the word "Included" from BTO items in admin panel (Solved)
4. Edit order confirmation emails (Partially Solved)
5. Make phone number required field on billing and shipping addresses (Partially Solved)
6. Make the comment box in 4.5 open by default so you don't have to click on it

I know 1 is easy, but cannot find where to change this setting. Tried to put a
Session.Timeout = X in the adminheader.asp, but it didn't seem to work. I have done 2 before but cannot remember what file to change.

For 3, I have removed the word "Included" next to default BTO items in emails and the cart page by editing language.asp but cannot figure out how to remove it when viewing orders in the admin panel.

4. I removed the SKU from new order emails, but how can I make the area with the category name and BTO name wider so it doesn't line break on long bto names?

5. I figured out how to make the billing phone required, but how do I make the shipping phone number a required field?

6. No Idea

Posted By: Ludwig
Date Posted: 16-February-2012 at 9:39pm
When you update an order there is a message with a typo: "If you have note already done so, use the "Check Real-Time Rates" to obtain updated shipping rates, and then click on "Update Order" at the bottom of the page to save the changes to the database."

That should be NOT instead of note... does anyone know where to fix this? I looked in languagesCP.asp it's not there.

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 17-February-2012 at 12:05am
Hi Ludwig,

Here are a few things addressing your requests below:

Originally posted by Ludwig Ludwig wrote:

Does anyone know how to do any of the following.

1. Stop from getting logged out of the admin panel (Solved)
2. Extend the default date range for "view all orders"
3. Remove the word "Included" from BTO items in admin panel (Solved)
4. Edit order confirmation emails (Partially Solved)
5. Make phone number required field on billing and shipping addresses (Partially Solved)
6. Make the comment box in 4.5 open by default so you don't have to click on it

1. Stop from getting logged out of the admin panel
See:" rel="nofollow -

2. Extend the default date range for "view all orders"
In resultsAdvancedAll.asp, find:
if request("dd")="1" then
Replace the "-13" with the number of days you want to go back to on the report.

4. Edit order confirmation emails
See:" rel="nofollow -

5. Make phone number required field on billing and shipping addresses

I had notes on this but lost them. I'll have this sorted out again in the next day or two and just edit the wiki for instructions. There definitely is an inconsistency here in that it's require if one goes straight to register an account, or if admin adds/edits a customer record: the phone field is required in those places, and in the latter situation there's a problem.

6. Make the comment box in 4.5 open by default so you don't have to click on it

Haven't had time to look at that one yet, but I agree that it would be the preferable default. It's been bothering me since 4.0, but I've just never had a moment it bothered me enough to go look into it.

Posted By: Ludwig
Date Posted: 17-February-2012 at 2:18am
Is there anyway to make the SEO friendly URLs end with .html instead of .htm?

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 17-February-2012 at 5:45pm
Originally posted by Ludwig Ludwig wrote:

Is there anyway to make the SEO friendly URLs end with .html instead of .htm?

Hi Ludwig,

I don't really see what difference it makes, but you could do it by editing the following files in the /pc/ folder:


Posted By: Ludwig
Date Posted: 17-February-2012 at 7:23pm
I edited all of them and while the .html shows up in the url preview on links, when you click on a product page for instance... you just get.

Invalid Path Character

/store/pc/404b.asp, line 14

An invalid character was specified in the Path parameter for the MapPath method.

I also edited the 404.asp file which had a .htm in it but I got errors before and after editing 404 file.

Posted By: Hamish
Date Posted: 17-February-2012 at 7:40pm
The real question is.... WHY? Changing it makes absolutely zero difference apart from damaging your existing seo ranking by changing it!

Editing ProductCart Code?

See" rel="nofollow - WIKI Guidelines for Editing ProductCart's ASP Source Code

Posted By: Ludwig
Date Posted: 17-February-2012 at 7:50pm
SEO ranking won't be affected since this is the first time turning on SEO friendly URLs and I wanted to do it because .html is more common ending and it matches the rest of the html pages on the site.

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 17-February-2012 at 8:31pm
D'oh! I can't believe I forgot to mention 404.asp -- the "input" side of it all.

I honestly don't see why this would be worth the effort, even with wanting to keep the extensions the same as with other pages. Honestly, though, who's really going to care?

On the generation side of it all, I believe the file list I mentioned should be complete. So, as long as everything on the link generation side uses .html and everything in 404.asp mirrors that, it should work.

The tricky part (or at least the part that would require experience) is with the trimming off the ".htm" parts of the process in 404.asp

For example:
' Trim Off .htm from Product ID 
If ((Mid(intProductId,Len(intProductId),1)="m") And _
(Mid(intProductId,Len(intProductId)-1,1)="t") And _
(Mid(intProductId,Len(intProductId)-2,1)="h") And _
(Mid(intProductId,Len(intProductId)-3,1)=".")) Then
intProductId = Left(intProductId,Len(intProductId)-4)
End If

Instances of this procedure would need to be changed like so:
' Trim Off .htm from Product ID
If ((Mid(intProductId,Len(intProductId),1)="l") And _
(Mid(intProductId,Len(intProductId)-1,1)="m") And _
(Mid(intProductId,Len(intProductId)-2,1)="t") And _
(Mid(intProductId,Len(intProductId)-3,1)="h") And _
(Mid(intProductId,Len(intProductId)-4,1)=".")) Then
intProductId = Left(intProductId,Len(intProductId)-5)
End If

Posted By: Ludwig
Date Posted: 17-February-2012 at 8:45pm
Thanks for all that, but maybe an even better way to do it... would it be possible to just put a "/" at the end of the url instead of .html or .htm? so it would be like:

It's about aesthetics, and it is quite important... SEO friendly urls are more than just about rankings, they also look nicer and cleaner.

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 17-February-2012 at 9:46pm
Well, that's an even bigger can of worms. Sure, that would be lovely -- "a pretty URL" as they are called ... but ... 

This would essentially tell IIS to look in a sub-directory which doesn't exist (very different than looking for a file that doesn't exist) and would have to be handled via URL rewriting or when the server.transfer occurs, it's going to load the page as if it were in the wrong directory. Here's an example for you:" rel="nofollow -  

This is basically an "out of the box" pc site with nothing modified to protect against the location of all manner of things and none of our usual URL rewriting tricks.

Here's an example of that sort of thing being handled just for a proper 404 handling page on a PC site:" rel="nofollow -

First of all, in the interest of being "pretty", we've rewritten away the /productcart/pc/ sub-directories, and we've made sure that in our URL Rewriting we can find the correct locations for JavaScript libraries & such and assure that all of the images and CSS & links are called from the root on down, etc.

Now, imagine all of the work you'd have to do in addition to that if this were a category or product page. I dunno. I'd have to think about it a bit more an play with it.

That's not to say it can't be done. But that's about all the time I can give to it for now.

If you are super serious about it to the point of wanting to pay for a customization here, we could do it, but we'd most likely need to use URL rewriting inside IIS to avoid having to literally rewrite a whole lot of ProductCart.

Posted By: Hamish
Date Posted: 18-February-2012 at 6:26am
I'm really doubtful about the benefits of this. Apart from developers and search engines who really looks at the url anyway?! And those that do are quite likely to think a url is incomplete without a .htm/l
It's like punctuation, people are habituated to www and :htm/l imho.

Editing ProductCart Code?

See" rel="nofollow - WIKI Guidelines for Editing ProductCart's ASP Source Code

Posted By: Ludwig
Date Posted: 18-February-2012 at 7:02am
Lots of people look at the URL especially when people link to your site on a forum... and having a clean URL is important to the aesthetics of your site... what would you rather have:




Also, is there anyway to change the SEO Url to all lower-case letters? Right now it seems to follow the capitalization used in the product title, but if you notice urls on any major site - the entire URL is always in all lower case letters.

Posted By: Hamish
Date Posted: 18-February-2012 at 9:34am
Indeed, perhaps when the url's are that different. Seo friendly yes, but it's only with a small amount of time. If amazon don't think it worth the effort that's a pretty good indicator that it really isn't worth stressing about ( for their all important kindle ) Re lowercase - no, ProductCart runs on windows servers only, so case is important. Honestly, any e-commerce business should be focussing on more important aspects of the business and software than this. Precisely because of that I'm bowing out of this particular thread.

Editing ProductCart Code?

See" rel="nofollow - WIKI Guidelines for Editing ProductCart's ASP Source Code

Posted By: Ludwig
Date Posted: 18-February-2012 at 8:16pm which I love is like the Walmart of the internet, so the aesthetic of that site will be different than say a site that sells nothing but expensive jewelry. The latter site would be more concerned about how the URL appears.

Ex:" rel="nofollow -

Also, I just manually put a url in all lower-case letters, and copy/pasted it in other browsers and the page still loads okay... so I'm assuming it's something that could possibly be done.

Posted By: mhuttman
Date Posted: 22-February-2012 at 3:35pm
How about just using a URL shortener like when giving out the URLs? You even get "Twitter friendly" URLs out of the deal.

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