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Losing Rights

Printed From: ProductCart E-Commerce Solutions
Category: ProductCart
Forum Name: Using ProductCart
Forum Description: Running your store with ProductCart
Printed Date: 10-March-2025 at 4:34am
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Topic: Losing Rights
Posted By: Polly
Subject: Losing Rights
Date Posted: 31-May-2012 at 7:03pm
Some of our users lose their rights in product cart admin partway through the day.

They will go to edit a product's image, or process an order, and suddenly the store thinks they don't have rights to that section.  Usually they can still see the tabs they had rights to earlier in the day, but sometimes the tabs will even disappear.

Closing all their browser windows, and re-logging in, fixes the problem each time, but telling them to do this periodically is rather like telling Windows users "just reboot, that will fix it". It's an interruption in their job process, especially if they have a lot of tasks open.

It doesn't seem to matter which browser: IE, FireFox or Chrome (but most are using Chrome).

This never happens to the master user - so one solution seems like we should just give everyone the master user login - but security said no way - shared logins are against PCI compliance. Each user needs their own unique login.

~~ R&T systems director

Posted By: Polly
Date Posted: 31-May-2012 at 7:04pm
Also it would be nice if people who have rights to all sections could see the nifty graphs that only the master user gets to see.  Everyone else sees this when they log in:

Welcome to Your Store's Control Panel


Welcome to your store's Control Panel.

Note that your Control Panel account has limited rights. If you believe that you have not been given the correct access rights, please contact the store administrator.

To start using the Control Panel, use the navigation menus located at the top of the page. Mouse over each menu item to view a sub-menu of features to which you have been granted access.

~~ R&T systems director

Posted By: ProductCart
Date Posted: 31-May-2012 at 7:13pm
Hi Polly,

If the Admin "rights" issue is not related to a server session timeout, it sounds like one that has been addressed in the latest version of ProductCart, so we would recommend updating to v4.6. If you still experience a problem after that, please open a support ticket.

The ProductCart Team

Home of ProductCart" rel="nofollow - shopping cart software

Posted By: Polly
Date Posted: 31-May-2012 at 7:29pm
Thanks, we did recently upgrade to 4.6 -- I'll check to see if it's still a problem!

~~ R&T systems director

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 01-June-2012 at 2:19pm
Hi Polly,

To whatever extent this may be related to session timeout, you might like to try this freebie:" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: Brett
Date Posted: 11-June-2012 at 7:21pm
Hi, I wanted my other admins to be able to see our graphs and stuff as well, instead of just a message telling them that they have limited access.

I am on v4.1b sp2. You can achieve this by modifying menu.asp. Look around line 106 for something like:

IF (session("PmAdmin")="19") THEN %>

and change that to say

IF (session("PmAdmin")="19") OR (session("PmAdmin")="1*2*3*4*5*6*7*8*9*10*11*") THEN %>

And then any admin with all of the permissions will be able to see those graphs.

Posted By: Polly
Date Posted: 11-June-2012 at 7:24pm
Thanks!!! We'll give that a try.

~~ R&T systems director

Posted By: Polly
Date Posted: 12-June-2012 at 3:14pm
EarlyImp, No one has told me about problems with the rights any more, so I think that's fixed - thanks!

Sean, we added the mod too, just in case.

Brett, thanks, modifying the menu.asp works great in our test cart, and I think CS is going to love having those visible.

~~ R&T systems director

Posted By: roknrod12
Date Posted: 25-October-2012 at 1:08pm
I used this fix on v4.6 and it worked for us.  From the responses above, it seems that EI doesn't even know how the control panel treats admins other than the super admin.  The above message on the original post is what every user sees every time they log in, no matter what rights are assigned to them.  It's not an attractive default page to see after logging in.  Hopefully it will get fixed on the next update.


Posted By: Hamish
Date Posted: 25-October-2012 at 7:54pm
Hi Rodney,
    We do know - we wrote it :-)  It's a very simple edit to change who can see the ful blown reports etc. In menu.asp line 118 :-

'* Admin login: show info

IF session("PmAdmin")="19" THEN %>

If you change the If statement you can change what level of user permissions are required to see the charts etc. (See" rel="nofollow - )
One small note of caution, generating the Sales Charts graphs can take some time and slow the display of the page, but this is readily overcome by selecting "Hide Charts" at the top of the charts. They can easily be re-displayed by selecting "Show Sales Charts" which will then be displayed at the top of the "Most Recent Orders" section.  

Editing ProductCart Code?

See" rel="nofollow - WIKI Guidelines for Editing ProductCart's ASP Source Code

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 08-January-2013 at 11:26pm
I like this idea a lot, even if we've never had anyone ask us to provide it. It's a nice idea, and it would be nice if EI could add the options to grant various CP user statuses access to this page. I can see how that could be very helpful for staff.

In the meantime, I've taken the time to add a "How To" on this, with a bit more finesse, to the wiki. You can find it" rel="nofollow - here . The instructions provide a fine-tuned level of control over which status levels are granted access to this default screen.

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