I recently added WMS's Quantity Discount Grid Mod. I checked the mods to each file carefully and uploaded the files to the server. At the time I had a test product with quantity discount set up. When I went back to check if the mod was working there was an error message in the product display area of the catalog. I deleted the product and added a quantity discount to a new product and it works fine. I create a new product with the old sku # and the error comes back. Please see below. What needs to be adjusted or fixed?
------------------------------------------------------ * Error At 7/27/2012 2:15:31 PM * CustomerRefID: 396367050-141531 * Session ID: 396367050 * Error Number: 13 * Error Source: Microsoft VBScript runtime error * Error Description: Type mismatch * Last Query: SELECT categories.categoryDesc, products.description, configSpec_products.configProductCategory, configSpec_products.price, categories_products.idCategory, categories_products.idProduct, products.weight FROM categories, products, categories_products INNER JOIN configSpec_products ON categories_products.idCategory=configSpec_products.configProductCategory WHERE (((configSpec_products.specProduct)=545) AND ((configSpec_products.configProduct)=[categories_products].[idproduct]) AND ((categories_products.idCategory)=[categories].[idcategory]) AND ((categories_products.idProduct)=[products].[idproduct]) AND ((configSpec_products.cdefault)<>0)) ORDER BY configSpec_products.catSort, categories.idCategory, configSpec_products.prdSort; * RequestMethod: GET * ServerPort: 80 * HTTPS: off * LocalAddr: * HostAddress : * UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/536.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/20.0.1132.57 Safari/536.11 * URL: /nobleton/pc/viewPrd.asp * FormData: * HTTP Headers: ***************************** HTTP_CONNECTION:keep-alive HTTP_ACCEPT:text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET:ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3 HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING:gzip,deflate,sdch HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE:en-US,en;q=0.8 HTTP_COOKIE:ASPSESSIONIDSSBSDASB=LMEBAKHBGKKIINNEFGBLHEIO; pcfront%5FvisitedPrdsCP=%2A545%2A; multiplewidgets=true,true,true,true; pcfront%5FvisitedPrds=%2A542%2A545%2A HTTP_HOST:www.tortek.net HTTP_REFERER:http://www.tortek.net/nobleton/pc/viewCategories.asp?idCategory=12 HTTP_USER_AGENT:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/536.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/20.0.1132.57 Safari/536.11 *****************************