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Endicia through Product Cart

Printed From: ProductCart E-Commerce Solutions
Category: ProductCart
Forum Name: Using ProductCart
Forum Description: Running your store with ProductCart
Printed Date: 10-March-2025 at 12:49am
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Topic: Endicia through Product Cart
Posted By: WesleyD
Subject: Endicia through Product Cart
Date Posted: 03-October-2012 at 2:58pm
Have a quick question for our Endicia users.  Has anyone been currently using Endicia that switched to using Endicia through Product Cart?  We have been using Endicia for years and wanted to know if there were any benefits to setting up a new account and using it through Product Cart.  Thanks for your feedback.  


Posted By: Wonderfulnews
Date Posted: 08-October-2012 at 7:49pm
We are in the same boat. We now use endicia through product cart exclusivly. I'd give it a A- only because of the following:
1) You have to print using gif, jpg, pdf
2) The international label doesn't look right with a zebra printer.
3) No stealth postage
4) No place to put the tariff code on international within product cart, you have to hand enter it after

There may be solutions to the above issues, I just haven't found them.

If these issues are no big deal then its a slam dunk. We also use our dazzle software from time to time so we have that as a backup.

Other questions? - I'm happy to help.

Posted By: WesleyD
Date Posted: 09-October-2012 at 11:31am
Thanks for the insight.  So that I am clear, you cannot use stealth postage at all?  That is kind of a deal breaker for me.  I was hoping it might be more streamline using it through PC.  Does it automatically add the delivery confirmation number into PC?  Thanks for your feedback.  I am always looking for other ecommerce owners to discuss the good and bad if you ever want to email offline here.  

Thanks again!



Posted By: Wonderfulnews
Date Posted: 09-October-2012 at 9:41pm
to answer your question..... no stealth postage from what I can tell. Maybe someone from EI can chime in if I have missed something. The deliver conf # is added to the customer accounts and emails automatically. That was really our need when we adopted the platform. We wanted automation - so we got that.  I did some coding to make conf #'s hyper-linked to the I think that is a must if you have customers who check their accounts ( which mine do).


Posted By: Wonderfulnews
Date Posted: 18-October-2012 at 10:09pm
After poking around a bit I found the stealth mod for endicia. I have been using it for the last week or so and it works fine. here is the language........

Stealth Mode

If you want to 'hide' the actual postage amount on the shipping/postage label, you can do this be making a small change in the file:


Open it in Notepad or another editor and look for the following line:

tmpXMLOrg=tmpXMLOrg & "<Stealth>FALSE</Stealth>"

… Change it to:

tmpXMLOrg=tmpXMLOrg & "<Stealth>TRUE</Stealth>"

Please note that their API states the following about this mode:

Stealth cannot be used with COD, USPS Insurance, Registered Mail, Automation rate, LabelSize of EnvelopeSize10 and Card shape mailpieces. For Standard Mail, Stealth is turned on.

Posted By: Wonderfulnews
Date Posted: 19-October-2012 at 9:15am

An additional issue... Can one choose signiture confirmation through the Endicia service? I can't seem to find it using the shipping wizard. I spent a little while last evening looking for it and I'll keep trying but if anyone has an idea please share. The stand alone endicia does offer sig conf - thanks.

Update - My staff found it! its below the isurance options for what they tell me. 

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