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HomePage New Arrivals as Vertical / Not List

Printed From: ProductCart E-Commerce Solutions
Category: ProductCart
Forum Name: Customizing ProductCart
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Printed Date: 20-February-2025 at 1:42pm
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Topic: HomePage New Arrivals as Vertical / Not List
Posted By: dbungard
Subject: HomePage New Arrivals as Vertical / Not List
Date Posted: 07-February-2014 at 12:18pm
Hey There

Looking through the code - I don't see where I can change the homepage display of the New Arrivals to be from List to Vertical.


Posted By: ProductCart
Date Posted: 07-February-2014 at 12:32pm
Actually, you don't need to edit the code. This can be done via the "Manage New Arrivals" page directly (Marketing > Manage Special Pages > New Arrivals).

The ProductCart Team

Home of ProductCart" rel="nofollow - shopping cart software

Posted By: dbungard
Date Posted: 07-February-2014 at 1:54pm
That will always display as a list. I have used that from the editor but again, always as list - says right there. I need these in vertical display so where can I find the code to change that?


Posted By: dbungard
Date Posted: 07-February-2014 at 1:55pm
OH wait
I don't want to manage the New Arrivals Page but the way New Arrivals show on the Home Page - sorry for the confusion! :) 

Posted By: Hamish
Date Posted: 07-February-2014 at 6:55pm
Hi,  It's an option on the page that EarlyImp indicated. No code changes required :-)

Editing ProductCart Code?

See" rel="nofollow - WIKI Guidelines for Editing ProductCart's ASP Source Code

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 07-February-2014 at 11:42pm
There seems to be some confusion here.

I think what you are looking for is to display on the HOME PAGE New Arrivals in the vertical display layout in the same way as you CAN set the New Arrivals page to display products -- similarly to how you DO have control like this over how FEATURED products are displayed on the home page.

There is no easy way to do this as the subroutine called for New Arrivals, Specials and Best Sellers only displays these items in small lists running vertically. You can only control which lists to display, how many items in the list for each, and in what order the lists are displayed (and they are not true "lists", but tables).

There two possible options:

1) The way Featured items are handled could be adapted to display other record sets such as New Arrivals, Specials and/or Best Sellers. This would take some experience to do and is beyond what could be handled very simply on the forum, IMHO.

2) Another option, though not exactly the same display, would be to use our Home Page Sliders & Carousels add-on. Any of the Featured, Specials, New Arrivals and/or Best sellers can be displayed as either sliders (the "vertical layout", but one item at a time in the slider) or as carousels (the "horizontal" layout with X number of products carouselled at a time).

I suppose a 3rd option could be to AJAX in the New Arrivals page without the header & footer, and while there definitely could be some merit to that, it's way beyond the scope of things handled on the forum.

EDIT: here are some visual examples:
Stock PC home page:
WMS Sliders & Carousels:
(I used Specials rather than New Arrivals as we just don't add that many interesting demo examples other than to test data)

Posted By: Hamish
Date Posted: 08-February-2014 at 11:53am
Hi, Sean is of course right about the control of the look.
I'm a bit confused though when you say you want the list of New Arrivals to be vertical as that is what is is by default - A list in a vertical table. Have you got a URL you can share?
The code that creates this part of the page is in HomeCode.asp

Editing ProductCart Code?

See" rel="nofollow - WIKI Guidelines for Editing ProductCart's ASP Source Code

Posted By: dbungard
Date Posted: 10-February-2014 at 2:08pm
The reason I want this is that I want the larger thumb and a short description / excerpt to show under the title. Our client would rather show 2 items with some information than a list of several. 

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 10-February-2014 at 9:41pm
Hi @dbungard,

So it sounds like you are indeed wanting the same sort of display with New Arrivals as the home page currently affords for Featured items only. Is this correct? I think the ambiguity here is what's causing confusion on this thread.

While the "list" is vertically oriented, as Hamish is saying, I think what you mean is the "vertical" display option in the control panel.

If that's the case, then, as I was saying, you can either adapt the code for displaying Featured products (the query for them is in home.asp; the display is handled via the subroutine in homecode.asp), or you might find our home page sliders & carousels an elegant solution.

Posted By: dbungard
Date Posted: 11-February-2014 at 10:28am
Hi All,

Once I got into HomeCode it was pretty easy. All you do is add this:
<% ' Show New Arrival description, if any
if pDescription <> "" then %>
<div class="pcShowProductSDesc"><%=pDescription%></div>
<% end if %>

to the HomeCode page under where it displays the sku. This way I could adjust display as I wish with CSS and not worry about the technical output settings or write a new query. Because the tool tip is already there all the info has been loaded on the page - it was just a display issue. 


Hope this helps someone else!!

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 12-February-2014 at 1:28am
Glad you worked it out, but I am now lost too on what exactly it was you were trying to display here. 

I'm going to echo Hamish here and ask if you could share a URL to what you displayed, as what you contributed here will not be helpful to anyone so far as I can see.

Best I can make of it, you are sticking with the stock table formatted "vertical" display of new arrivals, grabbing pDescription=pcArray_Products(2,tCnt) and displaying that round about here:
<div class="pcShowProductName">
<a href="<%=pcStrPrdLink%>" <%if scStoreUseToolTip="1" or scStoreUseToolTip="2" then%>onmouseover="javascript:document.getPrd.idproduct.value='<%=pIdProduct%>'; sav_callxml='1'; return runXML1('prd_<%=pIdProduct%>');" onmouseout="javascript: sav_callxml=''; hidetip();"<%end if%>><%=pDesc%></a>
<%if pShowSKU <> 0 then%>
<% end if %>

... and then probably not displaying Specials or Best Sellers in this table?

It would be nice if you could send a reference URL so that all of the folks who have attempted to weigh in here could see what you were actually attempting to do.

If that's so, it's not what I would consider the most elegant approach, but if it "skins the cat" for you, then good enough.

Posted By: dbungard
Date Posted: 18-February-2014 at 1:57pm
Sorry - my mistake. I was showing the description as well as the title and thumb on the New Products on the Homepage. This is in HomeCode.asp

'// Get sDesc
dim psDesc2
query="SELECT sDesc FROM products WHERE idProduct="&pIdProduct&";"
set rsDescObj1=server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
set rsDescObj1=conntemp.execute(query)
set rsDescObj1=nothing

if psDesc2 <> "" then %>
<div class="pcShowProductSDesc">
<% end if %>

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