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Selection field for Tax Exempt customers

Printed From: ProductCart E-Commerce Solutions
Category: ProductCart
Forum Name: Suggestions
Forum Description: ProductCart Suggestions
Printed Date: 07-February-2025 at 6:04pm
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 12.04 -

Topic: Selection field for Tax Exempt customers
Posted By: MGatESS
Subject: Selection field for Tax Exempt customers
Date Posted: 10-February-2014 at 4:09pm
We use ProductCart for selling medical/veterinary endoscopy products.  Since we deal with universities and hospitals that have tax-exempt status, we need to have PC not calculate taxes on those accounts that qualify for exemption, but are in a taxable region.  If it meets the criteria set in the tax file on our webstore, PC will put a tax on the order.

I would like to know if a future version could have as part of the customer setup form, as well as in the administrator's View/Edit form, a place for a customer to select (by radio button or drop-down) tax exempt status which would then produce a required field for the customer to enter their tax exemption ID number/code.  

Thus, when ProductCart comes across an account address that is supposed to be assessed a tax, but will "see" the tax-exempt field marked "true", it will not calculate a tax or perhaps it could output "Exempt" where the tax value should be, and not calculate a tax to the total on the order.

~ Mark G.

ESS, Inc. -" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: ProductCart
Date Posted: 10-February-2014 at 6:25pm
Hi Mark - this has come up before and makes sense, so we will look into this for a future release. In the meantime, if it's an urgent requirement, one of our developers or a Certified ProductCart Developer can address this through a customization. Please contact us directly if you would like a quote.

The ProductCart Team

Home of ProductCart" rel="nofollow - shopping cart software

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 14-February-2014 at 2:32am
This would be a simple modification using current PC features.

Using the Customers -> Special Fields you can collect the user's tax exemption ID number/code.

Using the Customers -> Pricing Categories you can assign the user as "tax exempt". This is where the modification comes in. Obviously you can't just take the user's input on the Special Field for granted. Someone needs to verify their that their tax exemption ID number/code is legitimate. Once verified, the user can be assigned this "tax exempt" customer category. The price adjustment fields can simply be left alone. We play off of this feature all the time for things like this.

As a modification, it's then a very simple matter of skipping the sales tax calculation if the customer is in that category (if they are a wholesale customer, PC affords granting them wholesale customer privileges as well).

As for a future release, this is also a viable option for NS to consider. An option can simply be added, rather like the "Apply Wholesale Customer Privileges", but be used for "Apply Tax Exemption".

The modification would take less time than it took to me to read this thread and write a response ;-)

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