Add to cart from external site
Printed From: ProductCart E-Commerce Solutions
Category: ProductCart
Forum Name: Customizing ProductCart
Forum Description: Exchange messages with other users that are customizing ProductCart.
Printed Date: 30-November-2024 at 8:05pm Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 12.04 -
Topic: Add to cart from external site
Posted By: virtualimage
Subject: Add to cart from external site
Date Posted: 06-February-2007 at 11:12am
I'd like the ability to create a link/button on an external site that will add a product to the cart. I receive an error message from PC when I try this.
Here's the link I tried - d=1
If you click this you'll receive an error saying that the item doesn't exist. If you then click it again, the product will be added to your cart. This leads me to believe that it's a session issue. Anyone know a way around this?
Posted By: derekw
Date Posted: 26-March-2007 at 2:43pm
I am having the same problem adding an item from a page on the same server as the cart.The form I use to add the item is the same as provided in the PC documentation. First you get a "product id not found" error, then when you try the second time it works, and the item is added to the cart. Anybody have a solution?
Posted By: virtualimage
Date Posted: 27-March-2007 at 1:16pm
I solved this by building a "capture" page. The problem is that a session isn't started when trying to add the product. I only have this working with a link, not a form. Here's my code. Some items may not be required.
<%@language="VBScript"%> <html> <head> <title>Untitled Document</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> </head>
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="../includes/settings.asp"--> <!--#INCLUDE FILE="../includes/storeconstants.asp"--> <!--#INCLUDE FILE="../includes/opendb.asp"--> <!--#INCLUDE FILE="../includes/languages.asp"--> <!--#INCLUDE FILE="../includes/currencyformatinc.asp"--> <!--#INCLUDE FILE="../includes/shipFromSettings.asp"--> <!--#INCLUDE FILE="../includes/taxsettings.asp"--> <!--#INCLUDE FILE="../includes/languages_ship.asp"--> <!--#INCLUDE FILE="../includes/"--> <!--#INCLUDE FILE="../includes/stringfunctions.asp"--> <!--#include FILE="../includes/ErrorHandler.asp"--> <!--#include FILE="../includes/pcProductOptionsCode.asp"--> <% Response.Buffer = True '------------------------------- ' declare local variables '-------------------------------
Dim conntemp, tIndex, tUpdPrd, pIdCategory, strBreadCrumb, pIdProduct, query, rs, dblpcCC_Price Dim pcv_strViewPrdStyle, pcv_strFormAction, pcv_intValidationFile, pcv_blnBTOisConfig, iRewardPoints, pDescription, pMainProductName Dim pSku, pconfigOnly, pserviceSpec, pPrice, pBtoBPrice, pDetails, pListPrice, plistHidden, pimageUrl, pLgimageURL Dim pArequired, pBrequired, pStock, pWeight, pEmailText, pFormQuantity, pnoshipping, pcustom1, pcontent1 Dim pcustom2, pcontent2, pcustom3, pcontent3, pxfield1, px1req, pxfield2, px2req, pxfield3, px3req, pnoprices Dim pIDBrand, psDesc, pNoStock, pnoshippingtext, intIdProduct, intWeight, optionA, optionB Dim pcv_intHideBTOPrice, pcv_intQtyValidate, pcv_lngMinimumQty, intpHideDefConfig, pnotax, BrandName Dim FirstCnt, strDescription, intReward, pcv_BTORP, strConfigProductCategory, dblPrice, dblWPrice, intIdCategory Dim VardiscGo, dblQuantityFrom, dblQuantityUntil, dblPercentage, dblDiscountPerWUnit, dblDiscountPerUnit Dim intIdOptOptGrp, intIdOption, strOptionDescrip, OptInActive, optPrice, tempIdOptA, tempIdOptB Dim xrequired, xfieldCnt, reqstring, TextArea, widthoffield, rowlength Dim scCS, cs_showprod, cs_showcart, cs_showimage, crossSellText Dim pcv_strOptionGroupDesc, pcv_intOptionGroupCount, pcv_strOptionGroupCount, pcv_strOptionGroupID, pcv_strOptionRequired Dim xOptionsCnt, pcv_strNumberValidations, pcv_strFuntionCall, pcv_strReqOptString, xOtionrequired, pcv_strCSDiscounts , pcv_strPrdDiscounts Dim pcv_strProdImage_Url, pcv_strProdImage_LargeUrl, pcv_intProdImage_Columns, pcv_strShowImage_LargeUrl, pcv_strShowImage_Url, pcv_strCurrentUrl Dim pcv_strAdditionalImages, cCounter, pcv_strWishListLink, BTOCharges, pcv_strCSString, pcv_strReqCSString, cs_RequiredIds, xCSCnt Dim iAddDefaultWPrice, iAddDefaultPrice, pcv_intActive '--> open database connection call opendb() %> <!--#include file="pcStartSession.asp"-->
<% Response.Write Request.QueryString("idproduct") Response.Redirect(" d.asp?idproduct="& Request.QueryString("idproduct")) %>
</body> </html>