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Dynamic Menu Not Expanding or Collapsing

Printed From: ProductCart E-Commerce Solutions
Category: ProductCart
Forum Name: Customizing ProductCart
Forum Description: Exchange messages with other users that are customizing ProductCart.
Printed Date: 01-March-2025 at 2:03pm
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Topic: Dynamic Menu Not Expanding or Collapsing
Posted By: fidjiti
Subject: Dynamic Menu Not Expanding or Collapsing
Date Posted: 07-February-2007 at 6:05am
ProductCart v3.04. I have installed the inc_catsmenuA.asp into the PC folder and uploaded it onto the site. I've also added the code to the header.asp page. However for some reason my site doesn't display the expand or collapse signs next to the categories. In fact, the links don't even go to the correct places either and in most cases don't go anywhere.   I'd really appreciate any help anyone is willing to give.
I just want to display my main categories and have the customer click on the "plus" sign image to expand the category and see the sub-categories. I have 14 main categories.

I've searched all over the forum to find something similar and wasn't able to find anything that could help, so if I may have missed the answer in a different post then I'm sorry. Just learning.

Linda - I wish I knew ASP.
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Posted By: netprofits
Date Posted: 07-February-2007 at 8:19am
Without seeing your site its hard to tell but after you created your categories and subcategories, did you click on "Generate Navigation" in the Settings menu? This is what builds your category navigation.

NetProfits Internet Consulting

Certified ProductCart Developer" rel="nofollow - Our Site

Posted By: fidjiti
Date Posted: 07-February-2007 at 12:35pm
Thanks for the reply. Yes, I did run that feature, but it still didn't work. Am I supposed to also use a css sheet to "style the navigation." Because I didn't do that, nor did I know which css sheet to use.
It's really weird.

Linda - I wish I knew ASP.
To view my ever evolving site click the "www" button below. :)

Posted By: netprofits
Date Posted: 07-February-2007 at 12:53pm

I think I just posted to your other question in another area...I think the problem is your using 2.x navigation which is not being updated in PC 3.x. The file, inc_catsmenuA.asp, is not part of PC 3.x. There are two files that handle the navigation in PC 3.x. The inc_catsmenu.asp (without the A) handles the overall navigation and it includes a file called which is updated when you run the generate navigation function in the control panel.

So it looks to me like you're including an old file from 2.x which has links to invalid categories. Try looking at the header.asp file for PC 3.x without any of your customizations to see how the navigation works.

NetProfits Internet Consulting

Certified ProductCart Developer" rel="nofollow - Our Site

Posted By: ProductCart
Date Posted: 07-February-2007 at 1:24pm

When visiting your Web site, it looks like the navigation points to files that are not part of v3.x. You should change the links in the navigation. In the meantime, you can also upload the attached redirect files (they contain search engine friendly 301 Permanent Redirects). -

This way your store will not return Page Not Found errors.

The ProductCart Team

Home of ProductCart" rel="nofollow - shopping cart software

Posted By: fidjiti
Date Posted: 07-February-2007 at 3:48pm
I have version 3.04 and the system didn't say I had anynew updates to download. I simply added the category code because the standard inc_catsmenu.asp without the A didn't work. So I searched on the forums and that's what it said to do. I didn't know that it was meant for the older versions of ProductCart. So i removed the file and the code from the header/footer files and now it doesn't even display any links at all. I'm obviously missing something. I don't think i changed those files. But just in case i did, does anyone know where can I find the original inc_catsmenu.asp file and the files so I can replace mine with the new ones and see if it works. I've only changed the css files not any of the category files.
Also, am I supposed to download the file above and place them all in the PC folder or what other folder should i put them in? I just want the site to work properly. :) i don't know how to change the links in the navigation on the left because that's what I'm trying to accomplish with the inc_catsmenu.asp file. Were you refering to the navigation buttons at the top? Should I change those links?

Linda - I wish I knew ASP.
To view my ever evolving site click the "www" button below. :)

Posted By: netprofits
Date Posted: 07-February-2007 at 3:52pm

Did you upgrade from PC 2.x to 3.x? It seems like you did becaues the navigation is using links that were in 2.x and not in 3.x. What you should do is change your include in the header.asp file to use inc_catsmenu.asp instead of inc_catsmenuA.asp. That should display the 3.x category navigation that is created when you run the Generate Navigation.

NetProfits Internet Consulting

Certified ProductCart Developer" rel="nofollow - Our Site

Posted By: fidjiti
Date Posted: 07-February-2007 at 4:10pm
Oh yes, I purchased version 3.04 i never upgraded from 2. I've changed the code in the header.asp file to:
<!--#include file="inc_catsmenu.asp"--> directly under the categories title on the left. I have it inside a table cell. But is still doesn't display anything. As if I didn't even have any categories at all. But you can see them by clicking on the shop by categories at the top of the page.

I've attached my inc_catsmenu.asp file and the file so you all can see if i'm doing it right.
uploaded_files/fidjiti/ -

Thanks for all of the feedback. I may just have to submit a support ticket if it's a bug. :|

Linda - I wish I knew ASP.
To view my ever evolving site click the "www" button below. :)

Posted By: fidjiti
Date Posted: 08-February-2007 at 1:19am
This is the reply from ProductCart.

> Hi Linda,
> Mistery solved :-)
> The permissions on the "pc" folder are not properly set. So when you run the
> script to create the navigation files, those files are not updated. If you
> look at them, you will see that they are basically empty.

Because I paid Early Impact to install the shopping cart software in the first place, I was able to have them correct my problem. I just had to give them my FTP login info and web host info. I knew paying them to install Product Cart for me would come in handy.

Hope that helps someone else out there.
Now I just need to figure out why I'm getting the extra link in my category crumbtrail for a category that was deleted a long time ago. see other post: - ;PN=1
Thanks to all who posted here!

Linda - I wish I knew ASP.
To view my ever evolving site click the "www" button below. :)

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