If youre using only 1 foto, this is btter because of no pop-ups.
First you add the following two lines to your header.asp in the head of the html:
<!-- Start Clearbox --> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="clearbox/css/clearbox.css" /> <script src="clearbox/js/clearbox.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="clearbox/js/clsource.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <!-- Stop Clearbox --> |
Then take this attached zip file and extract it in your pc folder (creating pc/clearbox with 3 dirs inside). http://www.earlyimpact.com/forum/uploaded_files/Louis/2007-03-26_055120_clearbox.zip - 2007-03-26_055120_clearbox.zip
Now open pc/viewPrdCode.asp and replace replace line 859 until 888 with the following:
%> <div class="pcShowMainImage"> <% '// If this is the pop window swap out the image for the selection if pcv_strPopWindowOpen = 1 then pcv_strVariableImage = pcv_strCurrentUrl else pcv_strVariableImage = pImageUrl end if %> <a href="catalog/<%=pLgimageURL%>" title="<%=pDescription%>" rel="clearbox"> <img name='mainimg' src='<%=pcv_tmpNewPath%>catalog/<%=pImageUrl%>' alt="<%=pDescription%>" /> </a> </div> <% if len(pLgimageURL)>0 then %> <div style="width:100%; text-align:right;"> <% if InStr(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT"),"MSIE") OR InStr(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT"),"Firefox") then %> <a href="catalog/<%=pLgimageURL%>" title="<%=pDescription%>" rel="clearbox"> <% elseif InStr(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT"),"Safari") then %> <a href="catalog/<%=pLgimageURL%>" title="<%=pDescription%>" rel="clearbox"> <% else %> <a href="catalog/<%=pLgimageURL%>" title="<%=pDescription%>" rel="clearbox"> <% end if %> <img src="<%=pcv_tmpNewPath%><%=rsIconObj("zoom")%>" border="0" hspace="10"> </a> </div> <% end if %> <% |
This is presuming that you are using the original asp file. Otherwhise look at the code above and try to find it and replace.
What youre doing is, oce you have the css ad js files included in the header of the html, when you add title="some title" rel="clearbox" inside the a-tag linking to any image, you will get the clearbox effect.
------------- Klibansky Designs
W: http://www.klibanskydesigns.com - http://www.klibanskydesigns.com
E: mailto:info@klibanskydesigns.com - info@klibanskydesigns.com