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Add a PDF to product

Printed From: ProductCart E-Commerce Solutions
Category: ProductCart
Forum Name: Using ProductCart
Forum Description: Running your store with ProductCart
Printed Date: 10-March-2025 at 12:35am
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Topic: Add a PDF to product
Posted By: parkerweb
Subject: Add a PDF to product
Date Posted: 24-April-2007 at 12:23pm

I would like to add a product sheet PDF to an individual product and don't see a good way to do it.  Any ideas?




Posted By: MarkCoyle
Date Posted: 24-April-2007 at 2:57pm
We do this kind of thing all the time if I understand you properly.  Just upload it to a folder.  Then in the long product description add a hyperlink to the document.  When clicked it will open and then can be saved.  If right clicked, it can immediately be saved.


Posted By: fidjiti
Date Posted: 24-April-2007 at 3:12pm
Some ideas, not sure if they would work for your situation.

1. Product descriptions can be in HTML you can simply include a link to the PDF file directly into your description. You would first have to upload your PDF file into a folder/directory on your site so you know the exact path/url where the file resides. This link is exactly like a regular link, but instead of linking to a page you link to a file.
Sample html code to insert into your product description could be (2 links in this code):

<a href="">Click here to download PDF Product Sheet</a> Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to view this document. To get Acrobat Reader free, visit the <a href="">Adobe Website</a>.

2. Only if you want them to access it after registering. You could create a Free digital/downloadable product (your PDF) then set up a Cross Selling Relationship with the original product. So anytime someone sees the main product, they will always have the downloadable product shown below, but it would have to be added to the cart and the customer would have to checkout in order for them to download and view it.

Hope that helps.

Linda - I wish I knew ASP.
To view my ever evolving site click the "www" button below. :)

Posted By: parkerweb
Date Posted: 24-April-2007 at 3:41pm
Both great responses.  If it had been a snake...

Posted By: MarkCoyle
Date Posted: 24-April-2007 at 4:10pm
Picking up on the second suggestion above to see ProductCart for digital download products for comparison purposes, feel free to have a look at us.

We're at (or the .com) and only sell downloadable items.   ProductCart has proven to be a very capable store for this.

We sell legally hundreds of albums and add around 30 a month.   It hopefully shows what can be done with ProductCart in the digital products area.


Posted By: AcuteViewer
Date Posted: 11-September-2012 at 5:17am
We struggled with this issue but finally sorted it using ftp software. We uploaded our pdfs to the catalogue folder and hard coded the route to it in the product description text.
It would help if these instructions were easy to find elsewhere.

Posted By: cpgmar
Date Posted: 26-October-2012 at 3:38pm
Does anyone have an idea how a pdf can easily be uploaded via the admin instead of having to use ftp? Will the HTML editor tool do this?  I have a need to do a weekly upload of a pdf file and need to link back to it in an email newsletter.


The Tasteful Garden

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 26-October-2012 at 9:12pm
Hi Cindy,

I had a look at the source code for the Innova editor used by ProductCart, and I did not find an option for this. Their web site does not provide documentation unless one purchases the product. I might could get it from EI. However, it doesn't appear to be a suppressed option that could be activated. It does, however, look like it could be customized to do this with some work.

Unfortunately, none of the other options built in for uploading images or inserting media, flash or YouTube could be used here as a work-around either.

Posted By: cpgmar
Date Posted: 27-October-2012 at 9:15am
Thanks Sean, I have a client that may want to add that at some point.


The Tasteful Garden

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