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Additional Product Custom Fields

Printed From: ProductCart E-Commerce Solutions
Category: ProductCart
Forum Name: Customizing ProductCart
Forum Description: Exchange messages with other users that are customizing ProductCart.
Printed Date: 01-March-2025 at 5:45pm
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Topic: Additional Product Custom Fields
Posted By: pbannette
Subject: Additional Product Custom Fields
Date Posted: 02-June-2007 at 6:51am


Has anyone customized PC to add additional Product Custom Fields? PC only allows 3. I need up to 12 per product and be able to specify the order. I don't see in the demo where the order can be changed.

I do not have PC now, just evaluating. Multiple sortable custom fields a critical requirement for highly personalized products.



Posted By: netprofits
Date Posted: 02-June-2007 at 8:37am

Hi Bob,

Welcome to the PC forums!

Yes, we've made those types of mods and I know other developers who have as well. It involves modifying the add/edit product routines in the admin control panel and then multiple files on the front end depending on where you want those fields to show up, i.e. product detail view, view categories, ajax popup, etc.

If you are familiar with ASP and SQL you could do it or hire one of the Product Cart developers.

I hope it works out for you.

NetProfits Internet Consulting

Certified ProductCart Developer" rel="nofollow - Our Site

Posted By: fidjiti
Date Posted: 02-June-2007 at 1:49pm
Amen to that! I wish PC had the ability to add more custom fields for those of us who don't know ASP or SQL. Then have the option to show or hid the new field on the actual site. I'll add that to the requests. :)

Linda - I wish I knew ASP.
To view my ever evolving site click the "www" button below. :)

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