We are still testing our store before it goes live and I have been playing around with backordered items in productcart v3.
When a product has zero stock the "typically available in x days" message displays which is great as it enables the customer to make an informed decision as to whether the expected delivery time is acceptable. However, if we allow back orders on an item that typically has a low stock level, the following typical scenario can happen :-
A product has a stock quantity of 1 with backordering enabled, the customer knows we have one in stock but requires 10. They do not know however how long it will take to receive the remaining 9 because the "typically available in x days " messgage is not displayed.
Furthermore, it does'nt seem possible to ship the in stock quantity using the shipping wizard because Productcart looks at the overall stock ( -9 ) and requires that the stock is replenished to a positive number before any shipment is made for the item.
I have only done a couple of test transcations on this basis and was wondering whether I have got my facts straight here. And if I am correct whether anyone has any workarounds to this problem.
A good solution I can see would be to display a message below the backorder item in the view cart screen which for the above scenario might state :- "We only have x available for this item, we will ship the full quantity when stock is available, this is typically x days". This enables the customer to adjust their order quantity to the available stock or stick with their original quantity in the knowledge that it will arrive, in full, in x days (the existing variable set against the product).
Would love to hear any thoughts from users using the backorder functionality.
Many thanks